
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

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Witnessed spanking

I was at a party and everyone seemed to be having a good time.  When the party host’s teen daughter came home, it was clear that a little something was up.  She excused herself from the room and said that she would be back in a few minutes, and that she had something “she had to take care of”.  None of us really thought much of it, but I was in for quite a surprise as I headed for the bathroom a few minutes later.  As I walked down the hall, I could hear a sound, one that I had not heard for almost 20 years.  It was the clear sound of a spanking taking place, which I found odd, since the couple hosting the party had no young children.  To my surprise, as I walked down the hall, through the French doors that led to their office, I saw their 19 year old daughter over the lap of her mom.  Her mom was going to town with a big wooden hairbrush, really laying it on hard.  Even at the age of 19, she was kicking and screaming, like she was 8 years old.  I did not want to stop and stare, but I certainly slowed down my pace and took in everything I was seeing.  That girl was getting her bottom tore up, I even found myself questioning if I could endure a spanking that intense.  The crying was as loud as the spanking itself and I have no doubt she was learning her lesson.

hairbrush spanking from mom

Spying on a 19 year old girl getting a hard spanking with a hairbrush from her mom.

Posted June 24th, 2013.

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The paddle is a very effective corporal punishment tool for the teen girl’s bottom

girl gets paddled by her dad

Bent over her bed for a hard paddling from dad.

For many teen girls, a simple spanking is just not enough to get the job done.  There are many factors that can lead to such an occasion.  The 1st is simply just having very strict parents.  There are many very traditional parents out there and they see discipline as a very serious ordeal, not something that can be handled with just a few smacks to a girl’s bottom, and they tend to handle things in a much more serious manner.  There are also those girls who just continue to get into a good deal of trouble as they progress into their older teens, and the discipline that use to be used, no longer seems to be an option as the seriousness of their misbehavior has increased, so therefore the seriousness of their spanking must also increase.  There are also those parents that just see the implement used for a spanking should increase in severity as the teen girl gets older.  There are many young ladies that were received handspankings when they were little, followed by the belt as they reached middle school age, only to be replaced by something even more severe as they entered high school.

In all of the situations above, one of the most natural implements to be used is a wooden paddle.

severe paddling from dad

Dad bares her bottom right there in the family room and gives her the hard paddling she has earned.

As long as there have been tools, dads have been crafting a proper wooden implement to spank their daughter’s bottoms with.  It does not take a craftsman to come up with an effective paddle for teaching a young lady a proper lesson.  Most garages of today have enough scrap wood around that the materials to create a paddle are always quite handy.  Some dads spend a great deal of time crafting the perfect paddle for discipline in the home.  They may put in four to five hours constructing the perfect tool for discipline.  They round all of the corners, sand it down to perfection, and create an implement that strikes fear into the mind of the teenage girl.  Many dads have taken this an extra step and require their daughter to help with the paddle’s construction.  Picture the older teen who has been getting her bottom blistered with a heavy leather belt for a few years, which finds herself in the most trouble of her life.  Dad decides that it is finally time to up the severity of her spankings and tells her that she is going to get paddled.

teen girl paddled

This daughter gets paddled with a paddle she help construct.

To her surprise, her punishment is delayed as she ends up taking a trip to Home depot with her dad.  They go to the hobby wood section as she watches him pull out several types and thickness of precut wood.  She watches as he runs his hand over the ½” and ¾” thick oak, pine, and maple.  He also spends time looking at the boards that are precut to between 18” and 36” in length.  He spends several minutes making his decision and hands her the 36” long, ¾” thick, piece of heavy oak for her to carry.  The reality of her situation is starting to really kick in as she feels the weight of the board she is holding.  They then grab some sandpaper and a new blade for his coping saw.  She is bright red at the cash register thinking that everyone must know that this is to make a paddle to be used on her bottom.  When they get home he sends her upstairs to grab a protractor, a ruler, and a pencil and tells her to meet him in the garage.  When she comes back down she serves as his assistant while he designs the paddle.  She sees him draw a couple of curves at the top; just enough to round it, but not taking anything off the overall width of the board.  She watches as he experiments with a couple of variations on a handle, making her erase the design that he does not like.

Finally she is able to see what will be the paddle to be used on her bottom.  He takes out

Teen girl corporal punishment

Bent over for a hard bare bottom paddling before bed.

his coping saw and takes his time cutting out the new creation.  When it is complete, he is holding an almost 3 ft long paddle, 5 inches wide, with a handle that is a foot long.   He pulls out a sanding block, shows her how to put the sandpaper in it, and tells her to get to work.  He explains that all of the edges need to be sanded down, as he does not want any part of the paddle to have any sharp edges.  At this point he hands her the paddle and tells her not to come back in until it is perfect.  For the 1st time she is really able to feel the weight and she is already fighting back the tears.  She begins the long and tedious job of sanding every edge of the very paddle that will be used on her bottom.  For the next two hours she becomes very familiar with an instrument of discipline that she is going to get to know even better when she is done.

teen girl spanking from dad

Paddled come in different shapes and sizes but they all achieve the same results…a bruised bottom.

A paddle is so very effective as a punishment tool for many reasons.  First of all, there are very few implements that strike so much fear into the hearts and minds of young ladies in this country.  No teen girl has ever looked at a paddle that is about to be used on her bottom and thought “this won’t be so bad”.  This is not a hand, a belt, or even a wooden spoon, it is a big board designed for one purpose, to bring pain to the teen girl’s bottom.  A proper paddle will be at least ½” thick and this takes spanking to a level that most girls are not used to.  A spanking administered with a hand or a belt can certainly hurt like hell while it is being applied.  But the pain the young lady feels from such a punishment creates a very painful sting, and not much more than that.  Yes, a good whoopin with a belt can indeed leave a young lady in tears and with a bruised bottom, but it is not even close to the same experience as a paddle.  A paddle creates the same sting, as the implement makes contact with her bottom; it is basically the same process, as something swung with much force is making contact with her skin.  But with a paddle, the swat does not stop there, as it fully compresses her skin and then compresses even further onto her bottom and makes heavy contact with the muscles in her bottom.  When the paddle compresses the muscles in her bottom, real learning starts to take place.

This learning comes about as a result of bruising.  We have all heard the phrase “you will not be

Teen girl paddling from dad

A proper paddling will leave her teen bottom bruised and sore for days.

able to sit down for a week”.  While this is an exaggeration in most instances, with a hand or a belt, no parent can come even close to making good on these words.  With a paddle, they can certainly get at least half way there.  A proper paddling, in which a young lady has received at least a dozen hard swats to her little teen bottom, with a thick wooden paddle, will leaved her marked and sore for many days.  The day after a proper paddling, sitting down will indeed be very difficult.  It is not that is will actually be impossible, but it will certainly feel like it for her at the time.  She learned a lot while her bare bottom was being paddled, there is no questioning that, but the real learning begins the next day and continues for some time.  The reality is, no teen girl can get through a day without having to sit down, as hard as she may be trying to avoid it after her bottom was paddled.  If her paddling occurred during the week, she is really going to learn a lesson as she struggles through a day at school sitting on a hardwood desk with a bruised bottom from her paddling.  There will not be a second during her school day in which she will not thinking about how sore her bottom is, the paddling she received, but most importantly, what she did that earned her a paddling.  If we really break down what is an effective punishment is, it has just been defined.  She is not able to put her behavior behind her, she is not able to ignore her punishment, and every moment for the next several days serves as a very real reminder of her behavior.  There is no doubt that this will decrease the chances of future transgressions.

teen bottom paddled

Instant learning as the paddle connects with her tiny teen bottom

Another big benefit of a paddle being used to punish a teen girl’s bottom is that it does not require as much work on the part of the person administering the discipline.  Many moms and dads have literally worn themselves out trying to teach a teen girl a real lesson using their hand or a belt.   With a paddle it just takes a fairly moderate swing to start to make an impression.  Another benefit is that a paddle is also quite effective over a young lady’s pants and panties.  Yes, a bit of the sting is reduced when her butt is paddled over clothing, but the long term effects tend to be the same.  Many girls, as they grow into young women, are no longer spanked on their bare bottoms by their parents, but with a paddle, their parents can still be assured that a proper lesson is learned, regardless of their state of dress.  Another benefit is how quickly a lesson can be learned.  With a handspanking, it may take 4-5 minutes to get a teen girl’s bottom to a place in which real learning takes place and the tears are really flowing.  With a belt, some parents have to swing it up to 100 times to really tear her butt up as required.  With a wooden paddle, after just the 1st swat, they really have her attention.  This is not to say that a single swat paddling is enough to take care of the problem, but generally somewhere between 10-30 swats will get the job done.

While we have discussed that a paddling works over clothing, there is no doubt that a bare

hard paddling video

Dad started with a wooden spoon, but it quickly broke, so he decided her bottom also needed to feel the heavy bread board paddle.

bottom paddling is still the most effective.  First of all, having an 18 year old girl bare her butt for a spanking demonstrates to her, that regardless of how old she feels, that as long as she is acting like a child that she will treated like a child.  When she is required to pull down her pants and present her bottom, it makes her an active participant in her punishment.  It also adds a very big sense of vulnerability as she takes away any protection she has between her and that big wooden board that is about to be used on her.  A bare bottom paddling obviously hurts more at the time, and the purpose of a spanking is to provide pain to her bottom, so the more it stings the more effective the process is.  When her bottom is bared, it is also much easier for her mom or dad to gauge the progress of the paddling.  The goal is to make her bottom sore enough that she cannot sit for a few days.  If they are actually able to see her bottom as it turns from red to black and blue, they will better know when the job is done.  It also allows them to concentrate the force of the paddling to that portion of her bottom that will touch a seat when she attempts to sit down.  A hard paddling, applied in a serious but reasonable manner, to a teen girl’s bare bottom, is an effective learning tool that keeps young ladies on their very best behavior.

All pictures and animations come from the very real paddling videos in the member’s area of, If you have ever wondered what it really looks like to see an 18 year old girl paddled until the tears are flowing, there is no better place to see it.  You will witness true punishments administered with the goal of producing tears.  Just take a look at the scene below, captured from this week’s updates.  Two sisters get in trouble with their dad for not putting away their PlayStation and leaving the TV on.  He marches them both back down to the TV room, opens the backs of their dropseat PJ’s and paddles both of their bottom long and hard with a heavy wooden paddle.  They both end up with bruised bottoms having learned a very real lesson.  You can tell by the reaction from the girl below that this is not a playful little spanking with faked responses.  Her butt is black and blue and she is visibly upset.  In addition, I just did a search on for scenes that involve a wooden paddle being used for a spanking and there are 306 scenes that involve the use of a wooden paddle.  They currently have 1727 scenes available to members, so 306 wooden paddle scenes is a pretty good ratio for you hard paddling fans out there.

teen girls paddled by dad

Two sisters get their bottoms paddled black and blue from their dad.

teen girls paddled by dad

The results of her paddling are clear, her sister will soon be feeling her dad’s paddle.


Posted May 22nd, 2013.

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Her 1st paddling from her step-mom

teen girl paddled by step-mom

Waiting for her step-mom to paddle her bottom.

She did not know exactly what to expect as she sat in the living room waiting.  Her last spanking from her dad had taken place when she was about 12.  As she had grown into a young woman he had stopped spanking her altogether.  But now at the age of 17, she was told she was going to be spanked, but by her step-mom.  Her family had grown a year and a half before when her dad remarried and her step-mom and her step-sister moved in with them.  She had never watched her 15 year old step-sister get spanked, but had certainly heard it on many occasions.  It always took place in the privacy of her new sister’s room which was at the opposite end of the house from her own room. Her step-sister also never talked about the spankings she received from her mom, but even from across the house, through closed doors, it always sounded like a terrible experience.  She could always hear the loud smacks, the crying, and her angry mom beating her butt.

After a long discussion with her dad, one in which he was as disappointed in her than she had ever

bare bottom teen paddling

Being told that she is getting 40 swats with the paddle on her bare bottom

seen, he decided that it was time to bring spanking back.  He felt it was no longer appropriate for him to spank her, but with another woman in the house he thought it would be best for her to be spanked on this occasion.  He told her to wait in the living room and that her step-mom would be right in to handle things.  Her step-mom was clearly strict with her own daughter and she found herself hoping that it would not be the case with her. Until this point discipline had been handled separately and even when she was lectured and grounded, it always came through her dad.

Her step-mom finally came into the room and was carrying a small wooden paddle with her.  This completely caught her off guard as she had only even been spanked with her dad’s hand.  The whole thought of being paddled scared her, but she was mostly embarrassed that she was going to be spanked at the age of 17 and her face turned bright red.  The lecture had already been covered by her father, so all that was left was her spanking.  Her step-mom told her she would get it just like her own daughter and she would be receiving double her age in swats.  She was dumbfounded at 1st, even when she was spanked by her dad it was maybe five or six hard swats on her butt.  The real shocker came when she was told to stand up, lower her panties, and raise her dress.  She immediately started to protest having to bare her bottom for her step-mom, especially right there in the living room.  Her step-mom responded with “now it is 40 swats, want to make it 50”?

teen girl paddled by mom

Baring her teen bottom for a hard paddling from her step-mom.

It was pretty apparent from the sternness in her step-mom’s voice that this was not a battle she was going to win.  Her step-mom just stood there staring at her until she finally stood up, lowered her panties and raised her dress.  She was told to bend over the arm of the chair she had been sitting in, and this time she did what she was told.  Her step-mom announced that she had 40 swats coming and that she better hold still for the duration of extra swats would be added.  Less than a second later, the 1st swat landed.  The sound echoed throughout the house and she was introduced to a level of pain that she had never known from a spanking.

teen girl spanked by mom

Bruising her teen bottom.

Before she could even catch her breath, the next one landed.  Her poor teen butt was on fire, but the swats just kept coming.  Her step-mom was clearly not going easy on her and by the

10th swat she was fighting back the tears.  For the next 30 seconds she received 30 more swats.  That paddle really packed a punch and she finally broke down into tears.

When it was all over her step-mom told her that she had had

paddled teen

Teaching her a very real lesson with the paddle.

that coming for quite some time.  She also informed her that things would be different from now on as this would not be a onetime event.  From this day forward all discipline issues would be handled with the paddle, for both daughters in this family.  Her step-mom also told her that next time she would not go so easy on her.  With that being said she left the room.  This poor teen was still in tears and could not believe how much her butt was throbbing.  With every beat of her heart her bottom throbbed.  She took a look at her bottom and saw that it was very red with some black and blue in some spots.  She vowed then and there that she would do whatever she could to avoid a spanking in the future, especially if that was her step-mom going easy on her.

This post is illustrated with content from a very real teen girl paddling in the member’s area of

Posted May 19th, 2013.

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Angry mom beats her daughter’s bare bottom with a belt

I often write about the process of corporal punishment being administered in the home.  While it is often a long and drawn out event, with a lecture, some waiting, and then a hard spanking administered by a parent, sometimes it is much more simple than that.  There are many teen girls who find themselves in trouble and are facing a very pissed off mom.  There is not a lecture, there is not a kind and gentle explanation of “this is going to hurt me more than it is going to hurt you”, or “I am sorry, this is for your own good”.  Often there is a pissed off mom who makes her daughter strip off her pants and gets to work beating her bottom with a belt.  I do not think it is the best method, but sometimes a mom just needs to take out her frustrations with her daughter using a belt.  There are many teen girls throughout the world that experience a very hard and very angry whoopin on a regular basis.  The animations below show exactly what i am talking about.

mom belt strapping for a teen girl

A pissed off mom with a belt leads to a blistered bottom for this teen girl.

teen girl bare bottom strapping from mom

Feeling mom;s anger and her belt during this bare bottom strapping.

Posted May 8th, 2013.

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Spanked by her mom for a messy room in front of her best friend

Teen girl spanked by her mom

Mom is pissed and her bottom is going to pay the price.

The timing was quite unfortunate for Brandi, but this was not the 1st time this had come about.  Since Brandi graduated from high school, she decided to have a very lazy summer.  She had not gotten a job yet, nor had she applied to any colleges.  Her mom had grown very tired of Brandi’s lazy ways and one of the center points of this issue was the ongoing issue with Brandi’s room.  Her mom was always on her case about her room but Brandi seemed to choose to not do anything about it.

That morning at breakfast, while Brandi was still sleeping, her mom had a full on melt down while speaking to her husband.  She told him that she was at her wits ends and did not even know what to do anymore.  She stated that she was about to freak out over the state of Brandi’s room. Brandi’s dad offered her a simple solution and told her that when she got home from work today that is Brandi’s room was still out of control, that she should take Brandi over her knee and spank her bare bottom like she used to when Brandi was a little girl. Brandi had not been spanked in almost 10 years, but her mom felt that would be

teen girl spanking

Her 1st spanking in 10 years is going to happen in front of her best friend.

fitting punishment and agreed 100% with him.  If, at the age of 19, she was going to act like a spoiled little girl, she would give her the spanking she deserved.

At 4:30 Brandi’s mom came home, half hoping that her room would be clean, but also kind of hoping it was not.  Brandi’s mom was fed up and giving her daughter a good spanking would help her to feel better.  It had not occurred to her in many years to spank her daughter’s bottom, but she knew that Brandi deserved it.  She marched right up to Brandi room where she could hear music blaring.  Without knocking she opened the door and saw Brandi and her best friend Jill sitting on the bed.  Brandi room was far worse than it had been the last time her mom checked, so

mom spanks teen daughter

Mom takes out her anger on her daughter’s bottom.

she was fuming in an instant.  She had not planned on Jill being present, but she had been psyching herself up for this moment all day and there was no turning back now.

She yelled at Brandi about her room, her mom was completely furious at this point.  She said that she had had enough and that it was time for a consequence.  Brandi’s mom knocked enough stuff off of the bed to make room to sit down and told Brandi that she was getting a long and hard spanking.  Brandi actually laughed as she did not believe her mom.  Brandi’s mom said loud and clear, “if you do not get your pants and panties down, RIGHT NOW, I am going to go get a belt and beat your ass black and blue”.  Brandi started to get the point and slowly unbuttoned her pants.  Jill tried to excuse herself but Brandi’s mom told her to stay where she was.  Jill had never seen her so mad and simply said “Yes Ma’am”, words she had never used before with Brandi’s mom.

As soon as Brandi’s bottom was bare her mom yanked her over her knee and started spanking hard.  This was not the kind of spanking

teen girl spanking

Her bottom is getting red but this spanking will last more than 5 minutes.

in which a parent is gentle in their approach, or it is done out of love and kindness.  Her mom was mad, as mad as she can remember being and Brandi’s cute bottom was going to pay the price.  She spanked with a ferocity that she did not know she had in her.  This was not the kind of spanking that she gave Brandi when she was nine or ten, this was an intense, hardcore, bare bottom beating, as hard as she could smack.  Over and over again she spanked her daughter’s bottom as Brandi started to kick and scream.  Poor Jill just sat there dumbfounded but could not help watch the whole thing.  She watched as her best friend’s butt went from a nice shade of pink to a deep and dark red.  She had always known Brandi to be pretty tough and was completely caught off guard as Brandi began to cry.  Once Brandi’s tears began her mom stopped.  Brandi and Jill both were glad that it was finally over.

teen girl spanking from mom

Jill can’t help but to look at her friend’s well spanked bottom.

Brandi’s mom sat there for a minute, completely out of breath.  While Brandi was still over her lap she asked her if this was going to be enough to get her to clean her “God DAMN ROOM”.  Brandi answered yes through her tears, in which her mom replied, “it is almost enough to get you to clean your room”.  She then proceeded to start the entire spanking over again.  Brandi’s crying intensified as her mom got all of her anger out on her daughter’s bottom.  She once again spanked as hard and fast as she could and was quickly achieving the results she was looking for.  Brandi was reduced to a 19 year old, crying little baby.  After at least another three minutes of solid spanking her mom stopped.  She told Brandi to get up off of her lap.  Brandi jumped right up and began to rub her bright red bottom.  Jill tried to be causal about the whole thing, but she could not help but to stare at her friend’s glowing bottom.  Brandi’s mom told Jill that now she could go home.  Brandi’s mom told her that she had 30 minutes to make her room perfect or that they would start again with the belt.  With tears in her eyes and a sore bottom, Brandi started to clean her room.

Posted May 1st, 2013.

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