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18 is not too old for this teen girl to get a hard whoopin from her dad.
There are many ways that an older teen finds herself being spanked in the home by her parents. While there are often paddles, hairbrushes, wooden spoons and other implements involved, the implement of choice in homes of America will always be the belt. And while there may also be teen girls who have to bare their bottoms on a regular basis for their whoopin from mom or dad, the most common way a teen girl is spanked is over her jeans.

Getting her teen bottom strapped in the living room from dad.
When you have a determined dad with a heavy leather belt, the jeans do not make that much of a difference when it comes to a hard whoopin in the home. A thick and wide piece of leather is still quite effective when applied full force to a tight teen bottom. When a girl is 17-18 years of age, she is a fully developed woman, so parents often let her retain some modesty during her strapping.

Teen girl punished in the family room by her dad as her brother watches from another room.
This does not mean however, that she will not get the strapping of her life. At this age, a harder punishment is generally required. As a woman, she is not going to react to a spanking like she did when she was a child. A few swats on her bottom just does not achieve results. Strict parents of older teen daughters really need to lay the leather onto her bottom in a manner that produces the desired results and leads to a change of behavior, especially if applied over jeans.
At this point in their lives, if they are still misbehaving in a way that requires a hard

Both sister’s are going to get a hard spanking with dad’s belt.
spanking from dad’s belt, then the punishment should be measured in minutes and no longer by how many strokes she is to receive. You cannot sentence an 18 year old girl to 10 strokes of the belt and hope to achieve the desired results. She now has to be strapped long enough and hard enough that tears are still achieved. A strict parent is looking for the right reaction from her and should not just be trying to get through a set amount of strokes.
When her teen bottom is being strapped, maximum effort must be used to get her to tears as quickly as possible. Once tears have been achieved then a strict parent continues the punishment until she is crying uncontrollably. When this emotional state has been reached the actual learning begins. This is where efforts should be doubled to assure a long lasting lesson that results in a permanent change of behavior takes place. The hard strapping should continue until she

Sometimes a strapping needs to take place when and where it is needed. Dad finds a private place in the park to spank her butt with his belt.
gives in and basically submits to her punishment. At the point that her crying slows down and her body is no longer fighting the punishment is when a proper punishment is complete. Her bottom will be marked and sore, but this is part of the process. She may have difficulty sitting down for several days, but this helps to remind her of her transgressions.
These hard belt whoopin scenes come from images and video exclusively in the member’s area of

Brought down the family room about to get her paddling from mom.
The mother in this family handles all of the discipline issues with their daughters. It is not lost on her that her ways are old fashioned and that by today’s standards and knows that she is a very strict parent. The only method she uses to punish her three teen daughters is corporal punishment. She herself comes from a very traditional family in which corporal punishment was used liberally. While she hated each and every spanking that she received from her mom, she knows that it was effective and that it always worked on her. As a result, she spanks her own daughters exactly how she and her brothers and sisters received it growing up. She has not changed a single aspect of how she was spanked as a child, as she sees no reason to alter a proven formula for success.
Every discipline problem, with any of her girls, is discussed at the dinner table. She feels that it is

Bending over for corporal punishment from her mother.
important that everyone be present for a discussion regarding misbehavior in the home. While only one of the girls may be in trouble, a discussion while everyone is present, lets the other girls know what is expected and what the results are for not following the rules. The rules are clear enough and the mother is strict enough, that if anyone’s behavior is called into question, there will be a spanking in the house that night. This is not a home in which warnings take place, if someone misbehaves they are spanked. Over the course of the meal the mom will point out who is in trouble, what they are in trouble for, and discuss ways that behavior can be corrected. The unfortunate young lady is told to complete her chores after dinner, then go to her room, change into her night clothes, and wait to be called back down to the living room.
While she finishes her chores she is acutely aware of what is about to happen to her poor bottom. Unlike some homes in which siblings might tease one another about the spanking one of them is about to receive, there is no teasing in this home, teasing is against the rules and will always lead to a spanking. After she completes her

Mom lifts her night and bares her bottom for her spanking.
chores, the naughty teen heads to her room, changes into PJs and then basically sits around and waits. This hour or two is always one of the hardest parts. As strict of a home that this is, spankings do not happen all that often. There is a very good reason for this, when a teen girl is spanked in this home, it is effective, painful, long lasting, and teaches a real lesson. These girls go out of their way to avoid a spanking at all costs because it is not a quick and simple event.
Eventually, as bed time grows near, the girl will be called back down for her punishment. She is told to sit down in the living room as mom once again covers what the young lady did and why she is to be spanked. It is not a private event, as anyone present is able to watch the spanking take place. The mother does not call everyone into

A long and hard bottom bruising spanking from her mom.
the room, but if the father, or the other sisters are present watching TV, they are not sent from the room. This mom was spanked in front of her brothers and sisters more times than she can count and she continues this tradition with her daughters. When the lecture is complete the mother always follows the same process. She pulls out the ottoman from the chair in the family room, places a few pillows over it and has her daughter lay down over the pillows. She has her daughter reach down and grab the legs of the ottoman and every girl knows what happens if the hands move at all during their spanking.

Her teen bottom is already bruised but this spanking is just getting started.
Just as it happened when the mom was growing up, she chooses to raise her daughter’s nighty and lower her panties. She feels this helps them realize that the mom is still fully in control of their lives as she performs this somewhat intimate act. The mother uses the same implement that her mother used on her growing up, which was made by her father. At 1st glance it does not seem like much, it is a small teardrop shaped leather paddle. In the grand scope of spanking implements, one would think that this implement is not all that bad, but this mom knows from experience the kind of sting it produces as well as how easy it can bruise a teen girl’s bottom. The other aspect that makes it so effective is how the mom uses it. She does not give a spank every few seconds like one might do with a belt of a paddle. She spanks as fast as she can with the small leather paddle and she gets results.
After the girl is in place, with her bottom bared, there are no more words to be spoken. The mother

A blistered bottom and a tearful teen, but still the corporal punishment continues.
goes to work on her teen girl’s bottom and she is all business. She spanks as hard and as fast as she can with the paddle. She does not use the cheek to cheek style of spanking, she tries her very best to cover each and every inch of her daughter’s bottom. Regardless of which daughter she is spanking, or how old she is, she gets tears within the 1st minute of the spanking. On occasion a daughter will be try to be stubborn and hold off the tears as long as she can, but it never works. This mother spanks just like she was spanked as a child, and the spanking goes on for a very long time. She believes that a spanking should happen when it is required, but that if it is required, it needs to be a very memorable event. A spanking in this house can easily last up to five minutes. During more than one spanking, when an extra lesson needs to be learned, this mom will stop and take a break to catch her breath and rest her arm, only to start up again until the job is done.

Mom spanks her daughter long and hard.
She never sees the job as being done until her daughter’s bottom is black and blue and she has been crying like a little girl for several minutes. She always remembers her own

Her well spanked and sore teen bottom.
spankings as she paddles one of her daughters. She remembers how much they hurt, how long they lasted, how bruised her bottom became, but she mostly remembers that during her spanking she would promise herself that she would never get in trouble again. She wants her own daughters to make similar promises to themselves. She knows they are experiencing great pain, but she also knows it is for their own good. She wants them all to grow up to be responsible young adults, so she takes care of the problems they experience as teens the best way she knows how. When she can barely lift her arm anymore to spank anymore and the teen girl’s bottom is black and blue, it finally ends.
Something her mom did, which she knows came from her mom, is corner time after the

Teen daughter placed in corner time after her paddling from mom.
spanking. It is a very old fashioned process, not very typical for the teen girls of today, but this mom still uses it. She sees no reason for her daughter to be able to go to her room, feel sorry for herself and rub her sore bottom. She does not want her daughter in her room, listening to music, or trying to find other ways to distract herself from the spanking she just received. She wants the focus to be on their sore butts and what they did to put themselves in this situation. So when the spanking is complete, the well punished young lady is sent to the corner of the living room for some time to reflect. With her panties still down, she is required to kneel in the corner, with her nighty lifted above her bottom and her hands behind her back. While the rest of the family watches TV or while the other girls are completing their homework at the table, she has to kneel in this position for 30 minutes. It is always 30 minutes and there is no touching of her bottom allowed. This gives her time to reflect on her spanking and think about changing her behavior. This also serves as a reminder to the rest of the girls in the house as they can see their sister’s bruised and blistered bottom on display. It may be old fashion, but corporal punishment, followed by some corner time, is an effective solution for the naughty teen girls in this home.
Pictures and animations come from a hard bare bottom paddling of a real teen in the member’s area of

A wooden spoon teaches a proper lesson to the teen girl.
For most girls, by the time the reach the age of 15 or so, the days of getting a handspanking from mom or dad are long gone. At some point in their teens, if not before, a handspanking was replaced with an implement of some sort. Typically as a teen girl they are spanked with dad’s belt, maybe a hairbrush, or maybe even a paddle that dad made in the garage. But for many moms across the country they have an old trusted favorite that is used to blister their daughter’s bottoms…the wooden spoon. Upon 1st glance you would not think that a wooden spoon is that severe of an implement. It lacks the size of a paddle and is certainly not as thick as a hairbrush. It is typically a long handle with a spoon type end, or possibly more of a flat type blade at the end. While deceptively small and light, ask any teen girl who had to bare her bottom for a session with mom’s wooden spoon and they will tell you it hurts like hell.
One thing the spoon really has going for it as a spanking implement is how specific it is with each swat. All of the energy of the spoon

Corporal punishment spanking with a spoon.
in concentrated into the little tip of the spoon. This creates a very specific pain to the bottom of the teen girl and tends to leave a silver dollar shaped bruise with each and every swat. When a girl receives corporal punishment with a paddle, the swats to tend to be concentrated to the power part of her bottom, and never does her entire bottom get paddled. With a wooden spoon, moms are able to really move around a teen girl’s bare bottom and cover each and every spot, from the top of the thighs, to the hips, and even those hard to reach places on the inner part of the butt cheeks. An angry mom with armed with a wooden spoon can really do some damage to a teen girl’s bottom. A wooden spoon is also very accessible in any household. Mom does not need to send the teen girl up to get a spanking implement, she does not need to think about where she last used the paddle, all she needs to do is walk into the kitchen. For those domestic type moms that spend hours a day in the kitchen, she is never very far from a very effective spanking implement. Being that the wooden spoon is always in the kitchen, many naughty young ladies find themselves getting their bare bottoms spanked in that very spot.

A spanking with a wooden spoon, in the kitchen, in full view of the rest of the family.
Picture the teen girl that comes home from school and mom is in the kitchen. Maybe she did not do her chores that morning or mom got a phone call from school, but either way her bottom needs to be blistered. Mom barely stops preparing dinner for the family and lectures her daughter as she cooks. After several minutes of letting her know what she did and shy she is going to be spanked, mom has her bare her bottom and bend over the kitchen counter. Mom does not care that her son and his friends are in the next room playing, a spanking in this house is done whenever and where it is needed. She figures the added embarrassment of having her 17 year old bare bottom on display for a few giggling 12 year olds will help her remember this experience. She is also in no hurry to start the punishment and leaves her bending over the counter with her bare teen bottom in the air for several minutes while she finishes the dish she was working on. She sees no reason why her schedule should be interrupted just because a spanking is required.
She finishes up the task at hand and then concentrates on the bare bottom before her. Her daughter watches as she looks through the

When corporal punishment is required in the kitchen a wooden spoon is the perfect solution.
drawer for the spoon that will be the most effective, even smacking a few different ones on her hand to test which one hurts the most. Her daughter cringes as mom finds one near the back of the drawer that is larger and heavier than the others. In an almost pleasant tone the mom says “yes, this one will be perfect for blistering your bottom”. She places her left hand on the small of her daughter’s back and gets started with the spoon. Unlike a paddle, she can swing the spoon very fast. She spanks hard and fast, applying close to 3-4 swats each second. With each smack of that spoon a small purple spot appears on her daughter’s behind. She does not alternate from left cheek to right cheek, she simply works slowly on each cheek trying to fill in every spot with some color. With each smack she moves the spoon about ½ an inch to the next spot lacking a little purple.

This wooden spoon punishment is just beginning, it will not be over until her bottom is properly purple.
It takes about 50 swats per cheek to get her entire bottom fully colored the correct shade of purple. The mom knows from experience that while a spanking from a spoon hurts a lot while it is happening, it does not last quite as long as a good paddling. She has her daughter widen her stance a little so she can really get to the lowest part of her little bottom. She targets the spot where her bottom meets the top of her thighs and gets to work on those two spots. She needs her daughter to feel this when she sits for a few days, so she really gets to work on the “sit spot”. She lays on 25 full force swats with the spoon on the left side and then 25 on the right, assuring maximum soreness on those two spots. She takes a long and hard look at her daughter’s blistered bottom and then puts in a little more work on the few areas on her little butt that she did not cover well enough.

Her punishment with a wooden spoon is coming along nicely.
The whole experience was a very painful for the young lady. Unlike the paddle, she is able to go a minute or two before the crying starts. Mom is relentless with that spoon and it eventually catches up with her. She is horrified to be in the kitchen with her teen bottom bare and on display. While she is can’t see behind her from that position she can hear the giggles from the boys in the next room, she knows that each one of them are sneaking a peak at some point during her spanking. When her mom focuses on the lowest part of her bottom it is unbearable. Each swat hitting in the exact same spot is just too much for her to endure. As with every spanking she gets from her mom, she finally fully breaks down and instead of tears just running down her face, it turns into full on sobbing. She always tries to stay strong and promises herself that this will be the one spanking when her mother does not reduce her to a sobbing little girl, but never happens, mom always gets the results she is looking for.
The strict disciplinary punishments shown in the post come from the hard corporal punishment videos in the member’s area of
Dad never comes home from work for lunch, so these young ladies were quite surprised when he did. He walks into his daughter’s bedroom and not only catches them skipping school, but there is the distinct smell of pot in the air. Even with her best friend present, he wastes no time at all, and has his daughter bare her bottom and bend over the bed for a hard whoopin with his belt. Her bottom is red and blistered before he is through. This is a full video brought to you from the member’s area of part of the family of sites. Real corporal punishment videos.
Teen girl receives corporal punishment with dad's belt
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18 is not too old to have her bottom bared for corporal punishment
When we hear the term “bare bottom spanking”, we often think of a young child, getting their shorts pulled down for a couple of quick swats on the bottom from mom or dad. The reality is that bare bottom spankings take place as long as a naughty daughter still lives at home. Certainly, all older teens who get spanked do not receive it on the bare butt. However, bare bottom corporal punishment is the most effective way to spank an older teen.
One the reasons that a 16-18 year old girl is still spanked at home is she is acting childish. At this age, she is practically an adult, she knows what is expected of her, and she knows what they rules are. With this being said, she also knows that if she breaks the rules that there will be consequences for her actions. In a strict household, in which corporal punishment has been used on her bottom since a very early age, it is logical that as she gets older, the punishment will get harder. A

A bare bottom spanking hurts more and is very embarrassing for an older teen girl
handspanking used to be effective when she was younger, but that was eventually replaced with the belt, then maybe the paddle or even a large wooden hairbrush. When she was 15 a hard paddling on her bottom used to get the job done, but now that she is close to college age and is quite used to the paddle, it may be time to bare her bottom again.
There are so many factors that make bare bottom corporal punishment so effective. Clearly, the number one reason is that it removes any paddling she might get as a result of her clothing. Corporal punishment applied over jeans and panties is far different than that applied to the bare bottom. Yes, with a heavy implement such as a wooden paddle, she will indeed end up with a bruised bottom as a result of her paddling. But the added sting of applying it to her bare bottom really intensifies the pain she receives during her paddling. For some older teens, a belt applied to their pants, barely has an effect anymore, but you have her present a bare bottom and it is a completely different experience.

That look says everything, bare bottom corporal punishment is very effective
Besides increasing the sting of her spanking as a result of her bottom being bared, you really increase the overall discomfort of the punishment. The whole purpose is to create a punishment that she would not ever want repeated, with the goal of completely eliminating her bad behavior. Many teens, especially those spanked on a regular basis, tend to build up a tolerance to being spanked.

Mom never hesitates to bare her bottom for a hard paddling
Yes, it still hurts their bottoms, but after years of corporal punishment, it becomes something they can better endure. Sometimes we have to look for ways to make other aspects of the punishment just as uncomfortable. Let’s face is, once a girl is a teen, she is pretty shy with her body, especially around her parents. It may have been 10 years since they have seen her bare bottom. Imagine the added discomfort when she is sent to her room to be spanked, in walks dad with the belt or the paddle, and he tells her to turn around, drop her pants and panties, and bend over. This just got very real for her.
The fear of how much more it is going to hurt on her bare bottom hits her instantly. But the embarrassment factor is tenfold. Here she is 18 years old, and she is being ordered to drop her pants to be spanked. The thought is horrifying, embarrassing, and it is something that she does not want to do…PERFECT. Now she has more to think about next time she gets in trouble than just how much it will hurt. Now she has to think about being put into that awkward situation of baring her butt for one of her parents. It also serves as a great reminder as to who is in charge. She is 18, thinks she is fully in control of her life, but now she

The belt is so much more effective on her tiny teen butt when her pants and panties are down.
realizes that when she misbehaves, that she can still be treated like the child she is acting like. Corporal punishment is beginning to have a whole new meaning in this household.
She can’t believe it is happening, but what is she to do, her dad always says it “my house, my rules”. As embarrassing as it is, she finds herself undoing the buttons on her pants and lowering them to her knees. She heard every word he said, but cannot fully commit to getting those panties down, it is just too embarrassing. But dad always has the right words for any moment…”I know you heard me say bare bottom, 10 extra with the paddle”. Ten with the paddle, over her pants, is always a tearful affair, so the thought that she just earned ten extra on the bare gets those panties down in a second. As she bends over, bare bottom in the air, she has never felt so exposed and vulnerable. The focus used to be on sucking it up and taking the first lick with the paddle, but this has added a new element she is having trouble grasping. Now she is thinking about what she did to put herself in this situation and she is certainly thinking about what she can do to make sure she never ends up here again. She used to focus on how not to get caught, now she is thinking about cleaning up her act.

On this day, he decides that her bottom needs to be bared for some hard corporal punishment with a wooden paddle.
Being in that position, bent over, her teen butt high in the air, is changing her perspective and he has not even started yet. The punishment used to begin with that

Now that her bare butt was punished, maybe she will actually learn a lesson
first paddle swat, today it started when she undid the first button on her pants. Then reality sinks is, as that first paddle swat lands on her bare bottom.
These pictures come from very real punishment videos that are part of the family of sites. The focus of their sites is not just spanking, but spanking as a punishment. Their videos feature realistic scenarios, with very hard and realistic corporal punishment applied to the bare bottoms of girls as young as 18. They feature a couple of girls who actually started modeling when they were still seniors in high school. If you want to see the real effects of real corporal punishment as it is utilized today in the real world, visit their family of sites today.