
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

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Witnessing and hearing corporal punishment while growing up

teen corporal punishment from mom

Her mom applies hard corporal punishment to her teen bottom with the belt.

I grew up in Texas, in a neighborhood where just about every kid, at one time or another, ended up getting their bottom blistered. Having recently visited my old stomping ground, I realized that things have not changed all that much. Believe me when I tell you, corporal punishment is alive and well throughout the US. It was a common enough occurrence that at some point you would end up seeing, or at least hearing a friend, or a friend’s sibling getting their bottom spanked.

Being that it was a normal part of discipline, there was not really anything taboo about it, so the parents did not go out of their way to hide it from visitors to their homes. My best friend’s older sister used to get her bottom strapped on a regular basis, and being that I spent so much time at their house, I was present for her whuppins on a regular basis. I never actually saw one take place, but her bedroom was next to the family room, so when her strappings took place, I could

corporal punishment belt spanking

Heavy Western style belt used for corporal punishment in the home.

hear each and every stroke being laid on. The 1st time will always live in my head. She came home late, on a school night, and came in the door and went right to her room. The dad looked at the mom, asked if he should take the belt in, and the mom simply said, yep. He stood up, and grabbed a belt that was clearly left out for that purpose, that hung on the side of a set of TV trays next to their hall closet. I had seen that belt there before, but it never had occurred to me that it was a belt used exclusively for corporal punishment. It was a traditional good old boy, western style belt, very thick with custom tool work on it.

He grabbed the belt and headed to her room. I expected there to be some sort of conversation, lecturing, or something of the sort, but it was less than 10 seconds after the door closed that I

dad corporal punishment teen daughter

Dad applies corporal punishment with a belt…a proper whuppin.

heard the strapping start. I am guessing their conversation went something like, “bend your ass over, you’ve got a whipping coming”. It did not last very long, I would say the entire strapping was over in less than 30 seconds. From the sounds of the belt hitting her butt and the sounds she was making, I could tell that it had to hurt like hell. It sounded like gunshots echoing in her little room and they were laid on fast. I am guessing that she got between 20-30 in those 30 seconds. I could hear loud squeals from her after the 1st few, which was quickly replaced with crying, and then an almost whaling sound. When the sounds of the belt hitting her butt stopped, all that could be heard was crying. He came back out, hung the belt back on its spot, and sat down in front of the TV again, a little out of breath.

She had to have been about 14 on that 1st day that I heard her get strapped, and over the next 2 years, I must have heard her receiving corporal punishment at least 5-6 times. One of the few times I actually witnessed corporal punishment taking place was a girl that was a year younger than me, who lived a few doors down. Her brother was a few years younger than me and my friends, but occasionally he would try to pal around with our group. One summer night, we were all hanging in front of my

teen girl corporal punishment

On display after her spanking, in front of friends and family.

friend’s house that lived next door to him. This kid comes darting out of his house, quite happy and giddy, and said to us that his sister was really going to get it. We asked what he meant and he said his dad was so pissed at his sister, had sent her to her room, and that he was going to paddle her butt. This certainly got my interest, so a couple of us went up to her window. The blinds were down, but they were those almost bamboo slatted type of cheap blinds that roll down. With it being dark outside and light in her room, we could see her clearly, but somewhat obscured. She was 11-12 at the time, and was sitting on the bed bawling her eyes out, which made me wonder if we had already missed it. I asked her brother if she had already been spanked, he was grinning from ear to ear, and said no, she just knows what is coming.

We probably waited close to ten minutes before her dad came in. I do not know if he was waiting to cool off a little, or just wanted her to sweat it for a little while. When he came in he was all business and had a paddle in his hand. I have thought a lot about the paddle since that day and still do not know where it came from. It was shaped like a paddle ball paddle, but was a little bigger. It was not quite the size of one of the big jakari paddles, but it was wooden, had a handle, but what made it different was that the

corporal punishment paddling

Dad lays the paddle on hard.

spanking part of it was oval shaped. I had seen a few paddles made by dads and they were always rectangular, so this one was unique. If her dad had made it, he must have spent some time with it. Well this girl did indeed know what she was in for and she wanted no part of it. He told her to turn over and lay over the edge of the bed, which she would not do. He had to grab her arm and spin her around and force her into place. He set the paddle down for a second, while still keeping in her in place with his left hand, and lifted her skirt. He grabbed the paddle again and went right to work on her panties covered little butt. He started hard and fast and spanked back and forth from cheek to cheek. She screamed and yelled like she was being tortured, but he would not stop. I saw her hand get hit more than once and she tried to block the paddle from hitting her bottom. She fought hard through the 1st half of her spanking and it became clear this was not going to stop until she gave in. This was the Bible belt and I was seeing 1st hand the actual “breaking the will of the child”. The spanking with that paddle was relentless and until she started to calm down and accept her spanking, it just continued. As she stopped flopping around, putting her hands back, and generally fighting the whole process, the paddle swats landed a little slower. Once she seemed to give in completely, she got maybe ten more. After that, without a word, he left her room. It was hard to tell through the blinds and with her wearing panties, but I am pretty sure I could see that her butt was bruised. I can’t imagine it was not after all of that. This was the longest spanking I ever saw or heard in my life, with the whole process lasting at least 3 minutes. Her little brother was ecstatic when we walked back next door. He just kept going on and on “man, that was a good one”, “did you see her hands get hit with the paddle”, “I am going to tell her we watched…she will be horrified”. It was like Christmas morning for him, I think he was just happy that for once it was not his butt getting that paddle.

parents use corporal punishment at home

Over the knee spanking from mom.

The other spankings I witnessed growing up were all boys. The closest I ever got was at another friend’s house, the parents had come home, and it was clear that both he and his step sister were in a lot of trouble. For the life of me, I cannot remember what they had done. We were hanging out in his room when his dad came in and told me that it was time to go home. It was also clear that his dad was not leaving the room and that he was in a shit load of trouble. As I walked toward the front door, I walked by his step-sister’s room, the door was partially open and she was fussing as she was being pulled over her mom’s knee. This was a 14 year old girl, being taken over the knee! As someone who had pretty much figured out my spanking fetish by this time, this was almost too much for me. I left their house, I really wanted to see this take place, but it was daytime, and I could not risk looking into her window. I stood as close as I could get without being noticed, but there was a lot of street noise and I could barely hear her spanking take place. She was so cute, I was always so hot for her, I would have loved to see her teen bottom getting spanked by her mom. I always wondered if her pants were taken down or not…I never had the courage to ask.

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Severe corporal punishment for naughty daughters.

teen girl corporal punishment

Getting the strapping of her life applied to her teen bottom

There are those moments in life when the situation just calls for…severe corporal punishment.  There can be a variety of factors the lead to it.  This may be the second time this month that this issue has come up and needs to be addressed.  It could be the first offense, but for an infraction that is so very bad, that only the hardest punishment can cover it.  It could be drinking and driving, or a parent getting a call from the police station to come and pick up their daughter.  Maybe it is just that this young lady has become more tolerant to corporal punishment as she has gotten older and it really needs to be laid on as hard as possible for a real lesson to be learned.

While there are many ways to get there, when the moment happens, the parents have no choice but to teach her the lesson of her life.  This is accomplished in so very many ways.  Today might have to be the first bare bottom spanking she has had in a long time.  Some parents have that special implement that they only use for the situations in which

severe corporal punishment

Getting a hard bare bottom paddling from dad.

they need for the spanking to be as severe as it gets.  Another variation is simply by increasing the number or swats.  This teen may typically get 10 swats with dad’s paddle, but tonight, as a result of her behavior, she is going to get 30.  Maybe her spanking typically stops when she is full on crying, but on this occasion it will continue until she has been spanked long and hard enough that she eventually stops crying.

Regardless of how they got there, and what she was punished with, and for how long, all parents are looking for the same results.  They want a sorry and sore young lady with a very bruised bottom that makes sitting almost impossible. They not only want to have taught her a very real lesson, but to have completely eliminated the undesirable behavior.  They want the learning to continue for days as she still has difficulty sitting down as many as three days later.  A severe spanking gets results, and while it should be reserved for special occasions, when that moment arrives, she needs to be taught the lesson of her life.

These severe corporal punishment scenes come from the member’s area of

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