He has always spanker her, on the spot, whenever it is required, without exception. On this day he was contact at work, by the school, and told that she had missed her first class after lunch. He knew she was supposed to be at school, so clearly she had decided to take a long lunch and skip a class. As soon as he got home, he stormed into her room, but instead of finding his daughter, he found a group of her friends. He asked them where she was and they told her that she was taking a quick shower before they went out. He walked down the hall to her bathroom, opened the door, yanked her out of the shower while she was still soaking wet, and marched her back to her room. While fully naked, and in front of all of her friends, he bent her over and spanked her little teen bottom until it was clear that she realized the importance of attending every class.

Pulled out of the shower and spanked by her dad in front of her friends.

Spanking her teen bottom for skipping school
The full HD video of this witnessed spanking updated today in the member’s area of Realspankings.com
Her grades had been an issue for most of her high school career, and after the 1st report card came home her senior year, her dad had finally had enough. They had a long conversation regarding her grades and the fact that there was no way that she was going to get into a decent college with her current performance. He also pointed out the fact that she never seemed to bring books home from school, so clearly there were more efforts to be made. He explained that while it had been several years since her last spanking, if she brought home grades like this again, she would indeed be feeling his belt. He informed her that any C would result in 5 with his belt, a D 10 with the belt, and an F would result in 25. He explained that this would not just be a spanking, that it would be the “whuppin of her life”.
She spent the next couple of weeks trying to buckle down with her school work, but as often happens with teen girls, she quickly reverted back to her old ways. At the end of the next quarter, her report card arrives in the mail, and her dad opened it. To his dismay, while there was an A and a B, there were also three C’s, and a D. He walked upstairs to his room at that very moment, and changed from the belt he had been wearing, to the heaviest and thickest belt that he owned. He went back down and began to go through the rest of the mail and paid a few bills while he waited for his daughter to return. When she came home, he simply told her to go and look on the counter. As she flipped through her report card, her heart began to beat faster. The words “whuppin of your life” began to echo in her head. He told her exactly what she knew she was going to hear, that she was going to get the belt, and that she had a total of 25 coming. She was sent to his room and made to wait.

Waiting in her room for a whuppin from dad.
She sat on her bed and tried to distract herself, but that was impossible. She flipped through a magazine, but found herself just turning the pages, not even seeing what was on the page. She thought back to the days in which she was spanked on a regular basis, and there was nothing fun about a session with dad’s belt. He had always placed a pillow on the side of the bed and made her bend over it. Back when she was 15-16, a whuppin from her dad was never more than 10 strokes. But those ten were always enough to set her bottom on fire and it always led to a lot of crying. She could not even imagine 25 strokes with the belt and she was pretty nervous about this one. She continued to sit nervously on her bed waiting for her dad and waiting for the spanking of her life.

Presenting her bottom for a session with dad’s belt.
He made her wait for more than 30 minutes before she finally heard his footsteps coming down the hall. Just had always been the case when she was younger, he just walked right in her room and told her to stand up. The lecture had already been taken care of and all that was left now was for her bottom to be properly punished. Once she stood up, he took a couple of pillows from her bed and placed them on the edge of the bed. He told her to lie over them as he began to remove his belt. She noticed right away that this was not the belt she remembered being spanked with; this belt was twice and thick and was very stiff. She realized that beyond the fact that she was going to get 25, that it was going to be done with something that looked like it packed much more of a punch.

She is being taught with a belt that bad grades are unacceptable.
He raised the belt into the air and brought it down full force on her teen bottom. The pain literally took her breath away and she could not believe how much it hurt, even over her jeans and panties. Before she could fully comprehend how bad it was, the next one landed. Her eyes began to fill with tears and the strokes just kept coming. The speed of the strapping slowly increased as he continued to punish her poor bottom. She was having trouble holding still and her body began to writhe due to the pain. She gripped her comforter tightly and began to kick her legs. Halfway through a gentle sobbing began, which very quickly turned into full on crying. This did not slow him down and he continued his attack on her bottom. Just as he had promised, he gave her the full 25, and there was no doubt his point had been made.

He bruises her teen butt with a very heavy belt.
As she laid there and cried, he put his belt back on and told her that the next time that they did this, that the number for any given grade would be double what she just received. He walked out of her room and left her alone with her thoughts and the pain. She laid in position for a couple minutes and got her crying out of her system. She finally got up and gently pulled down her pants and panties and took a look in the mirror. She remembered well, how from previous strapping that her bottom was always bright red. But this time, in addition to the redness, her bottom was covered with little speckles of purple. He had covered every inch of her bottom and as she touched it she realized that is was swollen and hard. She collapsed onto the bed, with her bottom still bare, and she gently tried to rub the throbbing pain away. She decided at that very moment in time, that she would indeed be a straight A student for the rest of the year.

Her bottom shows the results of a proper education.
This post comes from the full HD video in the member’s area of Realspankings.com, where you can watch the exact details of the scene I just described…and he wears her ass out good.
When it comes to spanking, there still some moms out there that are very creative when it comes to spanking their daughters. This is typically as a result of growing up in a household in which their own mothers were quite creative when it came to corporal punishment. These types of mothers are almost collectors when it comes to spanking implements and can never pass up a good implement when they see one. They might be at an antique store and see an old hairbrush, or even a small boat paddle, and they know there will be a time when such a tool could come in handy. This is the mom that walks through the store in Target and sees the perfect sized wooden spoon that she are sure they can put to good use. This mom, finds herself in the men’s belts section of JC Penny’s, even though her husband currently does not need a belt, as she never knows when a thick and heavy leather belt will be on sale.
This mom is not only creative with her selection of implements to choose from, she also believes in varying the punishment of her daughter, as much as possible to make sure each and every punishment fits the particular misdeed that has been committed. She will often vary the location of the spanking, the implement used, the position utilized, and maybe even adding in a little corner time if needed. The spanking can take place in the kitchen, the living room, the backyard, her daughter’s bedroom, her own bedroom, in front of a sibling, or even in front of the entire family.
While there are many moms out there that always deliver the same spanking, with the same implement, and give the same number of strokes, the creative mom knows that not all spankings are created equal. She is able to vary each and every punishment to fit the problem she is dealing with, and to make it very specific to the issue. Some things can be solved with a handspanking, while for other situations only a heavy wooden paddle will do.
Let’s take a look at an 18 year old girl, who is a senior in high school, but lives under the typical rules that as long as she is under her parent’s roof, then their style of discipline will always apply. Her mom runs the house and is in charge of all of the discipline for her and her brother and sister. Jessica is just old enough to think that she is an adult, but still acts up frequently, and is punished often. Her mom is the type that believes that for each and every little thing that her children do in her home, that she dislikes, a spanking is required. Spanking are a frequent and almost daily occurrence and is simply a fact of life for her kids.
While they never know exactly what will set mom off at any given moment, it is clear that someone’s bottom will pay the price when there is an issue. But in all fairness, her expectations are pretty clear and the severity of the punishment will be directly related to the severity of the offense. Take for instance the picture below.
The kids are all home from school mom is busy working on dinner, and everyone is expected to get their homework done and their chores completed. On any given day, each child knows what their chores are and they are expected to complete them without having to be reminded. Jessica’s mom begins to put the food on the table and wants everyone seated and eating before it gets cold. The problem is, Jessica became distracted and did not set the table. When dinner is ready and there are no plates, silverware, glasses, or napkins on the table and it was Jessica’s responsibility. There is no yelling, there are no lectures, and Jessica’s mom simply walks up to her room, opens the door, sits down on the bed and tells Jessica to bare her bottom. She is quickly pulled over her mom’s lap and given a hard, two minute handspanking, that leaves her bottom bright red. There are no long term marks, there is no bruising or soreness that lasts more than an hour, she was simply given a gentle reminder to get her chores done on time. Jessica puts herself back together after the spanking and heads to the dining room to set the table. The event is never spoken of again, no one is mad during dinner; Jessica simply got what she deserved, no more and no less.

A quick handspanking from mom as a reminder to do her chores.
But then there are events in which a little more correction is not only required, it is deserved. Jessica’s mom overhears an argument between Jessica and her younger brother. It is clear to her mom that Jessica is just being cranky and has no good reason to be giving her brother a hard time. As many times as her brother tries to end the conversation, Jessica will just not let it go. Her mom has finally heard enough, as she will not allow anyone to be bullied in her home. Both Jessica and her brother are called down into the living room, where her mom is waiting with a hairbrush. Her mom has more than one hairbrush that she uses to spank with, and for this situation, as it is not all that bad, she uses a plastic hairbrush. All of the kids know that this brush stings like hell, and will leave a bottom a little marked and sore, but it is nothing like the intensity of the heavy wooden antique brush that mom pulls out when required. Jessica’s brother is sat down on the couch so he can watch, as Jessica’s bottom is bared and she is bent over the ottoman. Her mom quickly explains that she needs to make an effort to be nicer to her brother and then she begins. Jessica receives 30 well placed and hard smacks to her bare bottom, producing some tears, and leaving Jessica’s bottom bright red, with just a small amount of bruising. Her brother smiles through the whole thing but knows better than to laugh at someone else’s misfortune, as that is a spankable offense in this house.

Bent over and spanked with the hairbrush in front of her brother.
Often the choice of implement is based on the location of where the offense occurred. Each and every child in that house has had a long session with the wooden spoon as a result of some kitchen based infraction. For Jessica, the last time she felt the spoon was for a simple offense, but one that her mom never overlooks. That morning before school, Jessica ate a bowl of cereal as she waited for her ride to pick her up. When the knock at the door came, Jessica placed her cereal bowl in the sink, instead of the empty dishwasher next to it. When she came home that afternoon, the kitchen was clean, the dishwasher had been run, but her cereal bowl was exactly where she had left it. The moment she walks in the door, her mom opens the drawer, the one that has those few spoons that are never used for cooking, and meets Jessica in the living room. Her bottom is bared once again and mom covers every inch of her small bottom with the spoon. When her whole bottom is bright red, she repeats the process just to make sure that Jessica gets the point.

When kitchen chores are not completed, her mom spanks her bare bottom with a wooden spoon.
While every instance of misbehavior in this home calls for a spanking, sometimes their mom is creative in adding additional consequences. Every child knows that the use of a bad word will get their bottom blistered and most likely their mouth washed out with soap. Just as with every punishment, there is a bit of a sliding scale. The F word will likely result in something wooden used on their bottoms, while “shit” might only result in the belt. Regardless of the word used, they know that someone’s butt will be torn up and they will then be lead to the kitchen sink. Jessica’s mom always has several bars of soap under the sink, reserved for such a time of need. The bar is heavily lathered and then makes several trips into Jessica’s mouth. The bar is then placed in her mouth as she leans against the wall by the sink. Her mom will then set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes and she has to just stand there and deal with the soapy mess and bad taste in her mouth. When her time is up, she is expected to throw away the soap and then clean the soapy mess that dripped out of her mouth.

Getting her mouth washed out with soap for using profanity.
Even at the age of 18, corner time is not out of the question. Corner time after a spanking is usually reserved for a punishment that was given for something that is becoming a frequent problem in the home. If Jessica’s mom sees a growing trend of vulgar language with all of her children, then the next time Jessica swears, before her mouth is washed out, but after she has been spanked, she will get some time kneeling in the corner. This is used as a deterrent for the others so they can see exactly what happens when profanity is used.

After her spanking she gets corner time so her spanked bottom is on display as a warning to her brother and sister.
In doing her best to try and make a punishment fit the crime, just as with the wooden spoon for kitchen related punishment, if there is an outdoor related infraction, it is not all that uncommon for someone to be sent out to pick a switch. Jessica’s last switching was as a result of not raking the leaves, after having been reminded twice. Having finally had enough, her mom sent her out to pick a switch off of the willow tree in the backyard. Jessica knows from past switchings that she better pick a good switch or her mom will pick for her. When her mom picks, she tends to come in with something that looks more like a branch that a twig. Jessica chooses the smallest she knows she can get away with and then has to grab a small waste basket, and sit in the living room, cleaning the very switch that will be used to stripe her bottom and thighs. When she is done, she calls her mom into the room, and then bares her bottom and kneels on the chair. She then receives a couple of dozen hard strokes with the switch. While the occasional punishment might involve her thighs, for whatever reason, when it is a switching, the thighs are always included. Nothing gets Jessica crying like the fiery sting of the switch to her thighs.

Cleaning the switch to be used for her spanking.

Mom sets her bottom and thighs on fire with the switch.
Unfortunately for Jessica and her siblings, not all spankings are as quick and gentle as the hand, plastic brush, or wooden spoon. At least once a month she finds herself in the type of trouble that cannot simply be dealt with using a lighter implement. Her mom has always been a big fan of the belt as it was the primary implement she felt growing up. Their mom’s belt was not a small little belt that she just finds in the closet to use for discipline, it was purposely bought specifically for the spanking of a teen girl’s bottom. Jessica was with her, many years ago, when her mom added that particular belt into their shopping cart at the department store, and she feared it the moment her mom touched it. It is not a floppy, soft leather belt; it is the type of belt that when folded in half, it retains its shape. The belt can be lifted into the air and there is no bending or folding, it is far too stiff and thick for that. Her mom knew the moment that she saw it in the store, that it was indeed the perfect tool for teaching a very real lesson. The belt was kept on her parent’s dresser, and if someone was sent for it, they knew their bottom was going to pay the price. While there were a few implements in their mom’s arsenal that they feared more and left their bottoms sorer for longer, if they were sent for the belt, there would be crying heard throughout the home. Most belt punishments took place right there in the living room in front of whoever happened to be present. Just as with any punishment, she was required to bare her bottom and bend over, typically with her hands on the ottoman that was so often the central focus for a public spanking in their house. She never knew how many she was going to receive with the belt, all she knew was that her bottom was about to be lit up. She was always surprised at the force her mom could achieve with the belt, and from the first stroke on it was unbearable. Unlike some of the lighter implements, when her mom swung that belt, she was swinging for the fences. The goal was not just a red bottom and a few tears; the goal was long tern learning as a result of a blistered and bruised butt. A belt spanking could last as long as 5 minutes and her mom never stopped until she was crying as hard as she possibly could. While it was common for the siblings to stop and watch each other getting spanked, with a little grin on their face, no one really liked to see that belt being used, as they all knew how bad it was and exactly what it felt like.

Her mom really knows how to use that belt and does not stop until her bottom is marked and sore.
While the belt was the most common implement for the more severe offenses, there were still a couple of steps up regarding severity. For the very rare moments in which their mom felt that a very severe punishment was required, she always had a heavy wooden paddle that their dad had made and that dreaded wooden hairbrush. A punishment of this magnitude was severe enough, that they rarely happened to Jessica more than 2-3 times a year. It was the type of punishment that had a way to permanently change bad behavior and the results were long lasting. Her mom always used the exact same wording to announce a punishment such as this, “I am going to bruise your bottom”. In some homes those words are used often and do not carry much weight, but if Jessica’s mom spoke those words, she was not kidding in the slightest bit. Her mom’s goal was literally to bruise her bottom so bad that she could not sit down. While other punishments might be measured by how many smacks she received, or until she was crying hard enough, for a session with the brush or the paddle, it was measured by when her bottom was completely black and blue.

When her mom says “I am going to bruise your bottom” she really means it.
A brush spanking could take place anywhere in the house, but was mostly commonly administered in the privacy of a bedroom. Jessica would find herself lowering her pants and her panties and laying over a pillow in the middle of her bed. If she was about to spanked with the heavy wooden hairbrush her mom was typically mad and beyond words. Without saying anything a reign of swats with the brush would be delivered to her bottom in a rapid fire succession. This would continue for a few minutes, covering every inch of her bottom. But then as promised, her mom would focus on bruising her little butt. The swats would slow down and the brush would be raised higher in the air than before. She would feel the most painfully imaginable swat to her bottom, with the goal being a large purple bulls-eye shaped bruise. This process would continue until her whole bottom had been painted with bulls-eyes. Her mom would then focus a little more on her sit spot, and place bulls-eye upon bulls-eye over the same spots. Tears where never an option with the brush, and Jessica would bury her face into her comforter and scream her head off. When it was over, her bottom would be a giant mess of bruises and be visibly swollen. Her mom would leave her alone with her sore bottom and she would often just stay in place, bottom still in the air, and just cry. It took a long time for the pain to go down at all and the throbbing was unbearable. She sometimes thought her mom was a little twisted in that often, after a hard hairbrush spanking, when she came to the table for her next meal, the cushion that sits on the wooden dining room chairs that they all sat at, would be missing from hers. Her mom believed in the long term effects of a proper hairbrush spanking, and it might be days before her chair pad was returned. Sitting was almost impossible, but was a requirement during their family meals, and she had no doubt her mother enjoyed watching the added benefits of the punishment by requiring her to try and sit for all meals for the next several days.

Unfortunately for this teen girl, her mom is just getting started. This hairbrush spanking will not be over until her entire bottom is black and blue.
While the heavy wooden hairbrush was a total nightmare for her and her brother and sister, there was one step up in the severity food chain, and that was the paddle that her father had constructed. While her dad was never a part of the discipline process in their home, based on a request from her mom, this paddle was built, and it was based on a certain event in Jessica’s life, when she was 16 years old. She had been caught with cigarettes in her purse, and they were found by her mom. That all alone would have earned her one hell of a spanking, but she then lied about where she had gotten them. To add to all of it, when her mom finally got all of the information, it turned out that she and her best friend and stolen the cigarettes from a carton, from her friend’s mom. In one very bad event for Jessica, she had been caught smoking, lying, and stealing. Her mom was a very Christian woman, and she considered these to be “Biblical offenses”. Such behavior called for a new level of punishment as far as she was concerned, and this was the birth of the paddle. The paddle itself was not like a traditional school paddle. The handle was similar in length, but the blade of the paddle was much shorter. The paddle was a little bit thicker than the wooden hairbrush, making it almost twice the thickness of a typical school paddle. While she had not heard the conversation between her parents, she had no doubt that it was designed to her mom’s specifications. The whole thing was made from solid oak and it did not hit with a sting, it hit with a heavy thud. The design allowed the paddle to be used from cheek to cheek, with each swat of the paddle covering an entire butt cheek. Whereas the hairbrush left bulls-eye bruises the size of Jessica’s fist, this paddle left a bruise a little larger than the size of an adult hand.
Since the paddle had been constructed, she had only felt it on that occasion, plus two others. She was aware of her sister getting it when just after she had turned 15, but as far as she knew her 12 year old brother had never had the experience yet. It was only used for the worst case scenario and for offenses that her mom saw as Ten Commandment sorts of issues. The first day she was paddled with it, she will never forget. One of the things that really stood out was how long she waited for it. She was not spanked on the spot as is usually the case; she was not punished until the next day. Her mom was so angry she could not even look at Jessica, and as it turns out was the case, she was having her dad make the paddle. The paddling took place in the privacy of her room and she was required to bend over the edge of her bed and bare her bottom. Unlike a hairbrush punishment that would just start, and seem to never stop until it was over, this was one of the 1st times that Jessica received a lecture before and throughout her paddling. Her mom started by smacking her butt, full force, which started the crying instantly. She followed-up with a few more to really get the tears going and then began to lecture her on her behavior, her actions, God, the Bible, and so on. She then went back to the paddling, applying another 12 hard swats. The results were instant and from the very beginning Jessica’s bottom was a mess of angry bruises. Her mom lectured her for another good 10 minutes as Jessica’s crying calmed down. When it seemed she was done crying altogether, the paddling started fresh, achieving the same results instantly. The paddling was not over until they had gone through this cycle of crying and calming down, at least three times. Over close to 30 minutes and several dozen swats, the spanking of her lifetime was complete. It was close to a week before the cushion ever returned to her dining room chair and except for the requirement to sit for meals, she chose not to sit all for a couple of days.

The results of a hard paddling from her mom to her bare bottom.
Every marked bottom used to illustrate this post comes from a very real punishment video, of a very real 18 year old teen. Only at Spankingteenjessica.com and the other teen girl spanking sites that are part of a membership to her site, can you see real life teen girls receiving very strict and real corporal punishment.
Many parents fully understand that importance of anticipation when it comes to spanking their teen daughter. If at the very moment that she gets in trouble, she is spanked, she does not have much time to reflect on her behavior. It is often quite beneficial for there to be a time delay from the time she is in trouble, until the time in which she is spanked. Waiting to have her bottom bared and spanked can often be as bad as the spanking itself, as she has to consider exactly how hard her bottom is going to get it.

Sent to her room, assuming the position, and then she just has to wait.
Parents take different approaches to this general idea, with the most common version to simply send her to her room to wait for her spanking. While still effective, this does allow her the ability to try and distract herself by getting on her phone or computer to kill the time she has to wait for her spanking. While no longer as common with older teens, some parents utilize corner time, thereby removing any stimulus, leaving her alone with her thoughts as she stares at a wall and can think of very little other than the spanking she is about to receive. Some parents prefer to sentence their daughter with a spanking, but not tell her when it is going to happen. Her punishment could be minutes, hours, or even days away. This does not keep her as focused on the spanking she has earned, but it does have a way of popping into her head often. It could be two days later and she is at school enjoying time with her friends, when that thought once again enters her mind. She quickly loses her smile as she thinks about dad’s heavy belt on her bare bottom.
One of the most effective methods is for the naughty young lady to be told she is to be spanked and then put into the position she is to be spanked in, with the spanking occurring some time later. This serves the same purpose of corner time, but really puts the emphasis of her bottom into her head. She is required to bend over, butt in the air, and there is really nothing else she can think about but her bottom that is currently on display. Her butt is simply there, in the position it needs to be, waiting to be punished. Her thoughts are on the pain it is about to feel and nothing more.
While this is often done with her in her room, hands on her bed, butt in the air, it is often used in a more public manner. When it

While the family goes about their normal routine, she waits in the family room, bottom bared, waiting for her spanking to begin.
comes to a household in which she has siblings, this is even more effective. Dad tells her that she is going to be spanked and she is required to stand up right there, in the family room and bare her bottom and put her hands on her knees. For the next 15 minutes the normal activities of the house go on around her. Her little brother sits at the table working on homework while mom works in the kitchen preparing dinner. Everyone is busy with the normal evening routine while she is stuck in that spot, her bare teen bottom in the air, just waiting to be spanked. All she can think about is what she did wrong, how she will never do it again, and how she just wished it was all over. There are few situations in this world in which a teen girl cannot wait to get her spanking over with more than this.

She is required to grab her ankles for the duration of the family meeting, then she will feel dad’s belt.
Depending on how long she is made to wait, just assuming an uncomfortable spanking position can slowly become a punishment all in itself. Having to grab her ankles for a few minutes is no big deal, but after 20 minutes, it becomes quite uncomfortable. Some parents take a slightly different approach and the position is assumed prior to the lecture. Having already decided that someone is getting spanked, a family meeting is called and the two sisters are brought down into the living room with the parents. The naughty daughter that they have already decided is going to get the belt, is not invited to sit down, instead she is invited to bend over. As they have a nice and long family discussion, she has to remain in the middle of the room; ass high in the air, waiting for the belt that dad already has in his hand. There is no question as to if she will be spanked, but she has to wait until the discussion and lecture are over to find out exactly what she is getting spanked for and to find out how bad it will be.
It could also be for a parent that does not want to be inconvenienced with the spanking of his daughter. He is at home, enjoying a book or his favorite TV show, when his daughter comes home an hour later from a day at the

Dad is in no hurry to paddle her teen bottom, he will get to it when he is ready.
lake with her friends. As soon as she walks in the door he tells her that she is going to be spanked, but it will be done at his convenience, as there is no reason that her behavior should force him to alter what he is doing at the moment. He tells her to lower her bikini bottoms and to bend over and place her hand on the edge of the stairs in the family room. Nothing changes for him at that very moment, she is simply bent over with her bare bottom on display waiting for when he decides to go and get the paddle. He is in no hurry, this is her punishment, she earned it, so she can wait until he is good and ready to bruise her little bottom.

Both sisters are sent to their parents room to wait for their spanking.
This event might not be limited to just one teen girl, as sometimes families administer punishments to their daughters, who have gotten in trouble together, at the same time. After a nice and long talk with their parents, both sisters are sent to mom and dad’s room to wait. They are told to head up to the room, bend over, and to wait without any talking. They spend close to 20 minutes in their parent’s room, bottoms ready to be punished, and they cannot say a word. Twenty minutes feels like an eternity as they wait to see if dad is bringing that paddle or the belt. Their bottoms begin to tingle with anticipation as they know that at any moment, they will hear those footsteps, the ones that mean pain and learning is about to begin.

An OTK spanking from mom.
I often write about the more severe aspects of parental corporal punishment for older teenage daughters. But the reality of it is, many girls are not spanked with the goal of providing long term learning and soreness to her bottom, often it is just about setting her little butt on fire, at that very moment, for her behavior. Some parents do not see a spanking as a means to eliminating bad behavior; it is simply to punctuate the fact that at that very moment in time, they are not happy with how she is behaving.
Most often this is achieved with a spontaneous handspanking, delivered with the purpose of

A handspanking before bed for this teen girl.
burning her bottom for a few minutes, but not with the goal of bruises and soreness. For a quick spanking such as this, for an older teen girl, it is best accomplished on her bare bottom. As a hand does not hit with the power of a belt of a paddle, and is primarily designed to just sting, it is not effective over pants. The purpose is to provide a lot of sting to the skin, so a hand on the bare bottom is really the only way to make this happen. With a heavy implement like a paddle, the primary goal is to make her sore for several days, so the overall length of the spanking in not quite as important as the lesson will continue long after the paddling is over. But with a handspanking, the punishment ends pretty much as

A perfectly spanked teen bottom.
soon as the spanking stops. After the spanking, she will feel a little heat to her bottom, but that is about it. So it is very important that a bare bottom handspanking last for as long as possible, as all of the learning is taking place during the spanking.
For a handspanking to be the most effective, duration and coverage are very important. With a paddle, most of the swats are going to be placed low on her bottom, both for safety reasons as well as making sure the part of her bottom that touches when she sits down becomes the most sore. With a handspanking, there are no dangers posed to her tailbone, so a parent is able to spank every single inch of her bottom, and the top of her

Even with just his hand, dad is able to really blister her bottom.
thighs if needed. The less fleshy parts of her bottom are more sensitive than the lower parts, so full coverage assures that she really feels the burn. It makes little sense to just keep spanking the same two spots on her bottom, so covering the widest area possible helps to teach her a lesson. Just as important as coverage is indeed duration. For a teen girl to really feel the effects of a handspanking, it needs to last as long as the parent is able to spank with a good intensity. Three to four minutes is an ideal length for a handspanking, and while she will not feel much of it after an hour or so, if done correctly, those four minutes can do a lot in helping her realize her mistakes.
While a handspanking is nowhere as severe as a spanking with a proper implement, there are many strict parents that only use handspankings. The strictness is not always a result of what someone is spanked with, but can it can also be measured by how often a spanking takes place. There are some teen girls who get their bottom spanked severely with an implement, in a manner that leaves them sore for days, but this may only occur several times a year. But there are those moms and dads out there that instead, spank for each and every

Mom spanks her bottom after school.
little infraction that occurs. This leads to a situation in which a young lady might end up baring her bottom and going over a parent’s knee for every little thing. There are households in the US in which a girl may find herself on the receiving end of a spanking, just about every day. The strict mom never hesitates to spank, and it can simply be the wrong look, the wrong words, chores not done well enough, homework not completed, it really does not matter, each and every one of these issues is always dealt with through spanking.
For these strict parents, when the last spanking occurred has no bearing on the situation at all. Every single behavior that requires a spanking does indeed lead to a spanking. They will often treat each infraction separately. Picture the mom that comes home and sees her daughter watching TV instead of doing homework, and then notices the dishes that are still sitting in the sink. This behavior does not warrant a single spanking, it requires two. Her mom turns off the TV, sits down on the couch and pulls her teen

She is not very happy about having her bottom spanked by her mom.
daughter over her knee for a hard bare bottom spanking. When her bottom is on fire, she is told to get up and take care of the dishes in the sink. Less than ten minutes later, mom is pulling out a kitchen chair and her daughter once again goes over her knee for another spanking. The spanking is not shorter or lighter as a result of her bottom already having been spanked; each infraction is dealt with on its own merits.
I grew up with a girl in my neighborhood, one that was spanked until about the age of 15. As someone that was interested as spanking, I would often pry a little as to what her spankings were like. She saw spanking as just a fact of life for her, so she was not all that embarrassed to talk about it. I

Spanked on her teen bottom in the kitchen.
can recall the time that she detailed an event that led to three spankings for her in a ten minute period. There was whatever her original behavior was that earned her a spanking, and it took place in the living room. When the spanking was over, as she was leaving the living room, she shot her mom a hateful look. Hateful looks were not allowed in that home, so her mom called her back over, bared her butt, and gave her another spanking. When that one was over, she went up to her room, and slammed her door. She knew as soon as the door closed so loudly, that she was in for it again. She told me that she ran to her window to open it, to blame the door slamming on the wind. She barely had the window halfway open when her door opened. Her mom sat down on her bed, bared her butt, and once again pulled her over her knee. Over the course of a ten minute period of time, she spent the better part of nine minutes getting spanked by her mom. That was her reality, even as a girl in ninth grade. I asked her the most spankings she thought she had ever gotten in a week, which she guessed to have been at least 10.

Dad deals with all behavior by spanking her teen butt.
While some parents spank for long term results, others simply spank to demonstrate to
their daughter each and every instances of behavior that they find unacceptable. It does not have to be a brutal spanking, and they are content with reddening her bottom as often as is required. Even if the level of pain is not as bad, as a 15+ year old girl, having to bare her bottom and go over one of her parent’s laps, is still a painful and embarrassing event, one that she would prefer to avoid.