
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

Daughters still receive frequent OTK handspankings from mom and dad

mom spanks otk

An OTK spanking from mom.

I often write about the more severe aspects of parental corporal punishment for older teenage daughters.  But the reality of it is, many girls are not spanked with the goal of providing long term learning and soreness to her bottom, often it is just about setting her little butt on fire, at that very moment, for her behavior.  Some parents do not see a spanking as a means to eliminating bad behavior; it is simply to punctuate the fact that at that very moment in time, they are not happy with how she is behaving.

Most often this is achieved with a spontaneous handspanking, delivered with the purpose of

teen girl spanked by dad

A handspanking before bed for this teen girl.

burning her bottom for a few minutes, but not with the goal of bruises and soreness.  For a quick spanking such as this, for an older teen girl, it is best accomplished on her bare bottom.  As a hand does not hit with the power of a belt of a paddle, and is primarily designed to just sting, it is not effective over pants.  The purpose is to provide a lot of sting to the skin, so a hand on the bare bottom is really the only way to make this happen.  With a heavy implement like a paddle, the primary goal is to make her sore for several days, so the overall length of the spanking in not quite as important as the lesson will continue long after the paddling is over.  But with a handspanking, the punishment ends pretty much as

teen girl spanking

A perfectly spanked teen bottom.

soon as the spanking stops.  After the spanking, she will feel a little heat to her bottom, but that is about it.  So it is very important that a bare bottom handspanking last for as long as possible, as all of the learning is taking place during the spanking.

For a handspanking to be the most effective, duration and coverage are very important.  With a paddle, most of the swats are going to be placed low on her bottom, both for safety reasons as well as making sure the part of her bottom that touches when she sits down becomes the most sore.  With a handspanking, there are no dangers posed to her tailbone, so a parent is able to spank every single inch of her bottom, and the top of her

dad spanks daughter otk

Even with just his hand, dad is able to really blister her bottom.

thighs if needed.  The less fleshy parts of her bottom are more sensitive than the lower parts, so full coverage assures that she really feels the burn.  It makes little sense to just keep spanking the same two spots on her bottom, so covering the widest area possible helps to teach her a lesson.   Just as important as coverage is indeed duration.  For a teen girl to really feel the effects of a handspanking, it needs to last as long as the parent is able to spank with a good intensity.  Three to four minutes is an ideal length for a handspanking, and while she will not feel much of it after an hour or so, if done correctly, those four minutes can do a lot in helping her realize her mistakes.

While a handspanking is nowhere as severe as a spanking with a proper implement, there are many strict parents that only use handspankings.  The strictness is not always a result of what someone is spanked with, but can it can also be measured by how often a spanking takes place.  There are some teen girls who get their bottom spanked severely with an implement, in a manner that leaves them sore for days, but this may only occur several times a year.  But there are those moms and dads out there that instead, spank for each and every

spanking from mom

Mom spanks her bottom after school.

little infraction that occurs.  This leads to a situation in which a young lady might end up baring her bottom and going over a parent’s knee for every little thing.  There are households in the US in which a girl may find herself on the receiving end of a spanking, just about every day.  The strict mom never hesitates to spank, and it can simply be the wrong look, the wrong words, chores not done well enough, homework not completed, it really does not matter, each and every one of these issues is always dealt with through spanking.

For these strict parents, when the last spanking occurred has no bearing on the situation at all.  Every single behavior that requires a spanking does indeed lead to a spanking.  They will often treat each infraction separately.  Picture the mom that comes home and sees her daughter watching TV instead of doing homework, and then notices the dishes that are still sitting in the sink.  This behavior does not warrant a single spanking, it requires two.  Her mom turns off the TV, sits down on the couch and pulls her teen

mom spanks daughters bottom

She is not very happy about having her bottom spanked by her mom.

daughter over her knee for a hard bare bottom spanking.  When her bottom is on fire, she is told to get up and take care of the dishes in the sink.  Less than ten minutes later, mom is pulling out a kitchen chair and her daughter once again goes over her knee for another spanking.  The spanking is not shorter or lighter as a result of her bottom already having been spanked; each infraction is dealt with on its own merits.

I grew up with a girl in my neighborhood, one that was spanked until about the age of 15.  As someone that was interested as spanking, I would often pry a little as to what her spankings were like.  She saw spanking as just a fact of life for her, so she was not all that embarrassed to talk about it.  I

teen spanking

Spanked on her teen bottom in the kitchen.

can recall the time that she detailed an event that led to three spankings for her in a ten minute period.  There was whatever her original behavior was that earned her a spanking, and it took place in the living room.  When the spanking was over, as she was leaving the living room, she shot her mom a hateful look.  Hateful looks were not allowed in that home, so her mom called her back over, bared her butt, and gave her another spanking.  When that one was over, she went up to her room, and slammed her door.  She knew as soon as the door closed so loudly, that she was in for it again.  She told me that she ran to her window to open it, to blame the door slamming on the wind.  She barely had the window halfway open when her door opened.  Her mom sat down on her bed, bared her butt, and once again pulled her over her knee.  Over the course of a ten minute period of time, she spent the better part of nine minutes getting spanked by her mom.  That was her reality, even as a girl in ninth grade.  I asked her the most spankings she thought she had ever gotten in a week, which she guessed to have been at least 10.

teen butt spanked

Dad deals with all behavior by spanking her teen butt.

While some parents spank for long term results, others simply spank to demonstrate to

their daughter each and every instances of behavior that they find unacceptable.  It does not have to be a brutal spanking, and they are content with reddening her bottom as often as is required.  Even if the level of pain is not as bad, as a 15+ year old girl, having to bare her bottom and go over one of her parent’s laps, is still a painful and embarrassing event, one that she would prefer to avoid.

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The steps required for a well spanked teen girl

Step 1: She is taken to a place in the house that allows a little privacy and she is informed what she did that has earned her a spanking.  She is reminded that regardless of her age, that as long as her behavior calls for it, she will be spanked and this is further emphasized as he lowers her pants himself and takes her over his knee.

teen girl hair brush spanking from dad

Pulling down her jeans for a long spanking with the hair brush

Step 2: The hairbrush is applied with maximum efficiency to her tight teen bottom over her cute little panties.  There is no warm-up and every swat with the heavy brush is applied full force.  Even over her panties, her bottom begins to bruise from the very 1st swat.

dad spanking daughter

Giving her tiny teen bottom the treatment that she has earned

Step 3: To further emphasize that she is not in charge and that she will still be treated as a kid as long as she acts like one, she is made to stand up, and he lowers her little panties to her ankles.  She is taken back over his knee and the spanking starts over again.

baring his daughter;s bottom for a severe spanking

Lowering her panties himself, just like he did when she was little.

Step 4: The spanking continues at a fast pace, blistering every inch of her teen bottom.  As the spanking gets to its most severe point, she struggles to hold still and makes the biggest mistake of the day, she puts her hand in the way.

teen girl severe spanking from dad

Applying the large hair brush in a manner that will achieve maximum results.

Step 5: A she knows that it is her job to cooperate with her spanking, as she is the one who has earned it, there has to be additional consequences for putting her hand back and trying to stop the spanking.  Her arm is pinned behind her back and the spanking must start all over again.

teen girl spanking

She put her hands in the way to stop the spanking, so it must start over again.

Step 6: She is allowed to get up from his lap and to rub her very sore and bruised bottom.

severe spanking

The results of a proper spanking are very clear on her teen bottom.

Illustrated from one of the hardest hair brush spanking videos I have ever seen.  From the member’s area of

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Spanking her daughter with a hair brush, just like the spankings she received from her mom growing up

She had her child a little later in life than most women, which left her in the position of having an older teen at the age of 50.  She was pretty old school in her ways, and she had chosen to raise her daughter with the same set of values that she had been taught as a child in the 50’s.  She herself had grown up in an era in which the dads worked long hours and the moms took care of the house and the kids.  She had two sisters and a brother which left her mom quite busy most of the time.  As a result, discipline in their household was swift and often severe.  This was a time in which a spanking was not foreign to pretty much any kid and there was no exception in her home.

bare bottom spanking from mom

A severe bare bottom spanking with a hair brush from mom can do a lot to change behavior.

Growing up in that environment meant a spanking was pretty much a daily occurrence.   With four school age kids in their home, someone was always getting in trouble.  It was just a fact of life that if they got in trouble their little butts would be tore up.  At a young age, the children were handspanked, but by the age of 8 or 9, it was always a hairbrush that was used.  Her mom had an old wooden hairbrush, missing half of the bristles, but that did not matter as this brush was never used for hair.  It really did not matter what any of them had done wrong, the hairbrush was always the result of any behavior that was considered unacceptable.  Sometimes it was as simple as one of the kids being bent over the counter in the kitchen for a dozen good swats on their butts, but over their clothes.  The worst occasions would call for the guilty party to be sent up to mom and dad’s room to wait for mom to come up with the brush.  These were the spankings that changed behavior permanently and every kid in that home did everything they could to avoid a trip to mom’s room.

A trip to mom’s room involved a spanking that could only be described as brutal.  This was the 50’s however and a severe spanking was not all that far from the norm.  She made probably 12 such trips to mom’s room growing up and she can remember them all.  Her mom would pull at a short stool that she had in front of a small vanity mirror, have her bare her bottom, and go over her mom’s knee.  Her mom was not an angry spanker and never raised her voice, but when she got started with that brush, it felt like the world was going to end.  She was always amazed that her mom, as such a small woman, could generate such force with that brush, but the only thing worse than the force was her endurance.  While the spontaneous spankings with the brush in the common areas of the house always caused her, her brother, and her sisters to cry, the brush on the bare bottom while over her mom’s knee were unbearable.  Tears would start after the 1st swat and continue for a long time after.  Her mom kept a nice even pace, switching from cheek to cheek and it seemed to last forever.  There was no doubt in her mind that on these occasions, when the hardest spankings were required, that her mom spanked until she had nothing left to give.

mom spanks daughter

A hard hair brush spanking from mom.

When it was over her entire bottom would be on fire and completely swollen. Her bottom would be one giant bruise and it would stay like this for many days.  It made it so that her bottom hurt to the touch, hurt to walk, hurt to move, and made it pretty much impossible to sit down.  She would have to sleep on her belly for the 1st few nights, it was that bad.  What she remembered most about her hardest childhood spankings with that brush was how much of an effect it had on her behavior.  She cannot recall ever getting spanked twice like that, for the same offense; they were effective enough that it changed her behavior.  She can also remember moments in her life in which she was faced with a questionable decision, and knew that if she was caught, that she would be making a trip to mom’s room.  She felt those experiences with the brush had helped her make the right decision on so many occasions and helped her to be the women she became.  Her last trip to her mom’s room happened when she was 17, but the last time she had felt the brush was the summer after her sophomore year of college.

mom spanks daughter's bottom

A quick spanking from mom’s brush

She had gotten married fairly late in life, when she was 35 and had her only child a couple years later.  She had always wanted to be a mom and took the role very seriously.  While she had worked prior to getting married, once she had a child, she took on the traditional role of staying home with her daughter and taking care of the house.  She had decided early on to handle discipline just as she had received it growing up.  While those were very painful experiences in her life, she knew that they were effective and made a real difference in her behavior.  She did not feel that she needed to mess with what was a proven method of child rearing, and her daughter’s experiences over time would closely mirror her own.  Just as her mom had done, she handspanked her daughter’s bare bottom until she was around the age of 10.  Somewhere around that point in time her daughter called her a bitch, something she would have never dared to have said to her mom and she knew that they had reached a new level.  On the day that this happened, her daughter got the handspanking of her life, but shortly after, she found herself in an antique store looking for a suitable hairbrush.  While she did not find one like her mom had used, she found one that would do the trick.  It was made from a very heavy wood and had a long handle and she knew the moment that she picked it up that her daughter would be much better behaved from that day forward.

mom spanks with a hair brush

Her 1st spanking with a hair brush leaves her in tears, even over her jeans.

Her daughter was introduced to it as a result of just a basic offense and was bent over her own bed and received 20 good swats over her tight jeans.  She got the reaction she was looking for and even from just a short spanking over jeans her daughter was crying like she had not from a spanking in many years.  She warned her daughter that her behavior better improve as the brush was the only thing she would get spanked with from now on.  It seemed to have the desired effect as she saw a pretty quick change in behavior.  But as always happens with teen girls, they tend to get a little big for their britches and eventually revert back to their old ways.  Her daughter was 14 before she had the displeasure of experiencing a real spanking on her bare bottom with that brush.  She had been caught shoplifting with several friends.  The police were called but none of the girls were arrested.  All of the parents had been called and she picked her daughter up from the store.  Not a word was spoken on the car ride home, except for her daughter’s constant apologies.  When they got home, she sent her daughter to her room and she knew what needed to happen. She loved her daughter very much and always felt quite bad after spanking her, especially with the brush.  But she also remembered how much her own mom had loved her, so much that she was willing to beat her bottom black and blue when the moment called for it.  She convinced herself that she needed to find the courage to do the very same for her own daughter as this moment truly called for it.  As she grabbed the brush, she promised herself that she would spank until she could barely lift the brush anymore, just as her mom would have done in the same situation.

teen girl spanking by mom

A hair brush is one of the most effective tools for spanking the older teen girl.

She was actually quite nervous as she approached her daughter’s room.  She entered and told her that what she did was unacceptable and that had they arrested her, she would still be sitting in a cell somewhere because she would not have picked her up anytime soon.  She informed her that unfortunately a jail cell would have been a piece of cake compared to what was about to happen.  She sat on the bed, told her daughter to lower her pants and panties, and to get over her lap.  She focused her energy on the fact that her daughter was a little thief and then got to work.  She smacked her daughter’s bottom with a strength that she did not know she had.  Just as when she was young, the tears and crying started after the 1st couple of smacks.  She watched how with each smack of the brush a dark purple circle appeared on her daughter’s bottom.  While she had spanked her daughter’s bare butt with her hand before, it never caused immediate bruising.  With the brush on her bare bottom she was able to see the instant results of her work.  She pictured her own butt, as she looked at it in the mirror after she was spanked, and realized that she had a lot of work to do. It was a lot of work as her daughter was not able to hold still for her spanking.  She had to use her left hand to try and keep her in place as she continued to relentlessly spank her teen bottom.  She used the bruises as a guide and worked her brush over her daughter’s entire bottom, doing her best to make it all as sore as possible.  She recalled how much it hurt to sit after a hard spanking from her mom, so she focused a little extra time and energy on the spots that would touch the seat when her daughter sat.  Throughout the entire spanking her daughter wailed, cried, and carried on, as would be expected under the circumstances.

severe bare bottom hair brush spanking from her mom

The kind of spanking that will change her attitude and behavior permanently.

It was hard for her to continue with her daughter in so much pain, but she considered the alternative of having a daughter who ended up getting in trouble with the law.  This was not going to be the life for her child and if this brush and a bruised bottom could do anything to prevent that, then she had no choice.  Her daughter had a small bottom, so it had not taken too long to turn it all black and blue, but she had made the commitment to spank until she could not spank any longer, just as her mom did.  She basically just started fresh and began to spank every inch of it all over again.  She ignored the fact that she was already black and blue, as she still had some energy to spank, and just kept going.  She had much more respect for her mom as this was not easy.  She had to spank hard, she had to hold her daughter down, and it also made her feel quite bad to be doing it.  It was a good five minutes before her strength started to fail her.  Her smacks with the brush were clearly not as effective as at the beginning and she decided that it was time to stop.  She stopped her barrage of smacks and just sat there out of breath, with her daughter still over her knees, crying as hard as ever. She stared at her daughter’s bottom and wondered if she had gone too far.  There was not a spot on her daughter’s butt that was not covered in bruises.  It was also quite swollen and the skin had a hard appearance.  But she reflected on her own bottom after such encounters and felt that it was similar in appearance. She knew that a bruised butt like that, based on her own experience, could keep her out of trouble for more than a year.  A spanking like that is simply something that is never forgotten.  More importantly, it is something that she knew her daughter would do anything in her power to avoid ever getting again in her life.  It was a brutal spanking, but the punishment fit the crime.

She eventually told her daughter to stand up and she then gave her a long hug.  She told her that is was very hard for her to do, but that she would not hesitate to do it again, if the situation even called for it.  She left the room and her daughter collapsed onto the bed, still crying hard.  It had been very hard for her to go through with it, but she was proud of herself for doing so.  She knew that anything less would not have had the same effect.  She was able to see the results of the punishment for the next several days.  That night at dinner, her daughter elected to eat at the counter and not to sit, which she understood and allowed.  The next day she saw her daughter filling a large Ziploc with ice and took it too her room.  She did not ask what it was for but she knew.  She also wondered why she had never thought of that after one of her own spankings as a teen.  Two days after the spanking she took her daughter to the grocery store to go shopping with her and it was clear as she rode in the seat next to her that her bottom was still feeling the effects.  It was just a like her childhood spankings and the punishment was clearly still having an effect as long as 5 days later.

mom spanks bare bottom with a hair brush

Bending her the arm of the couch for a quick bare bottom spanking with the brush.

It would be close to 6 months before her daughter was spanked again.  This was not quite the same as far as intensity, but she did bare her bottom right there in the living room, and bent her over the arm of the couch.  It was not an endless or relentless spanking, but she gave her daughter a good 30 swats with the brush and left her bottom bruised.  She did not spank as often as her mom had done, but she took each spanking a little more seriouslyEvery spanking after that first one in her bedroom would be done on the bare, as it allowed her to better gauge the progress and the soreness she was achieving.  It was not uncommon for her daughter to get spanked every few months, as far as a spontaneous spanking in the family room.  From the time of her 1st real spanking, until she graduated from high school, she only ever experienced 5 of the spankings that took place in her room.  They were all administered with the same intensity and the same results as the 1st one, and on each and every occasion, her behavior warranted that level of severity.  She loved her daughter very much and there was nothing she would not do for her, including beating her bottom black and blue.

When it comes to looking for spanking videos, I know that we all look for ones that seems real.  The post above is illustrated with videos from which is as real as it comes when looking for an older teen girl getting spanked by her mom.  1st of all, Jessica had just turned 18 when she started shooting spanking videos.  She also grew up in a home where the hair brush was used by her mom on a regular basis.  Many videos that I see online, that feature a hair brush, are soft little spankings with a girl pretending like it hurts.  When you watch Jessica’s little butt get spanked with the brush, there is no doubt it is tearing her bottom up.  She is always left black and blue and tears are common.  I am not sure how she was able to take so many severe spankings with a hair brush for our viewing pleasure, but she does.  Jessica’s site is now bundled with three other hard hitting teen spanking sites, so you get them all for the price of her site alone.  It is well worth checking out if you like to see real teen girls getting their bottoms blistered in realistic and severe spanking videos.

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A long and hard OTK spanking for a teen girl from her loving mom

It’s a scene that plays out 100’s if not 1000’s of times a day in homes throughout the United States.  The teen girl finds herself in trouble and is sent to her room to think about what she did and to wait.  Her parents have a discussion to consider how the situation should best be handled. Her mom and dad decide that she needs to be grounded and not be able to drive for the next two weeks.  Although she is now 17, they also decide that some immediate reinforcement is required.

teen girl otk spanking from mom

Waiting in her room for her mom to come up. She does not know that she is going to get the 1st spanking she has received in years.

Her mom comes up to her room and sits on her bed and discusses her actions with her.  She is told that she is way too old to be acting this way anymore and that there has to be consequences for her actions.  Her mom asks her for her car keys and tells her that she will not be driving for a couple of weeks, which will also require her to ride the bus to school.  She is then informed that as much as the mother hates to do it, that both her parents decide that it would best for her to receive a spanking.  She protests, as she feels she is too old, but the argument goes nowhere and her mom sits on the edge of the bed and tells her to get over her knees.

mom spanks daughter

Mom gives her the news….she is grounded from her car and she will be spanked.

bare bottom spanking for the teen girl by her mom

Going over her mom’s knees and having her bottom bared for her spanking.

She reluctantly does as she is instructed and climbs over her mom’s lap, a position she has not been in for a couple of years.  As she feared, she feels her PJ bottoms and her panties being pulled to her ankles.  Without further discussion the spanking starts and she is shocked at how much it hurts.  While her mom never once raised her voice, she feels the anger in the severity of the spanking.  She grips the edge of the bed tightly while her mom spanks her little teen butt.  When she was at a time in her life in which she was spanked on a regular basis, the spankings were over in less than a minute.  Her mom was clearly trying to make a real impression and the spanking seemed like it would never end.  For close to five minutes her bottom was spanked with an intensity she had never felt before.  Close to half way into the spanking she found herself crying.  This did not slow her mom down at all, if anything, it reinforced to her that she was doing the right thing and she continued to spank until her daughter was crying just like she would during a spanking when she was 7 years old.

mom otk spanking daughter

A long and hard bare bottom spanking from her mom.

When it was all done, she could not help but rub her daughter’s blistered bottom for a moment.  She felt bad having to spank her daughter so long and hard, but she knew it was best for her development.  She stood up, asked her if she was OK, and then gave her a long and tender hug.  She then left her daughter alone to consider her actions and the results.

girl spanked by mom

A nice hug after a hard spanking.

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Witnessed spanking

I was at a party and everyone seemed to be having a good time.  When the party host’s teen daughter came home, it was clear that a little something was up.  She excused herself from the room and said that she would be back in a few minutes, and that she had something “she had to take care of”.  None of us really thought much of it, but I was in for quite a surprise as I headed for the bathroom a few minutes later.  As I walked down the hall, I could hear a sound, one that I had not heard for almost 20 years.  It was the clear sound of a spanking taking place, which I found odd, since the couple hosting the party had no young children.  To my surprise, as I walked down the hall, through the French doors that led to their office, I saw their 19 year old daughter over the lap of her mom.  Her mom was going to town with a big wooden hairbrush, really laying it on hard.  Even at the age of 19, she was kicking and screaming, like she was 8 years old.  I did not want to stop and stare, but I certainly slowed down my pace and took in everything I was seeing.  That girl was getting her bottom tore up, I even found myself questioning if I could endure a spanking that intense.  The crying was as loud as the spanking itself and I have no doubt she was learning her lesson.

hairbrush spanking from mom

Spying on a 19 year old girl getting a hard spanking with a hairbrush from her mom.

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