A not so private spanking
In many homes in the US and throughout the world, when the teen girl finds herself in trouble, and requires a spanking, it is often done in a manner that allows for privacy. She might be sent to her own room, to her parent’s room, or even marched down to the basement for a private session with mom or dad’s belt or paddle.
But not every parent feels that a spanking needs to be such a private event and they are more than happy to administer it whenever, wherever, and sometimes more importantly, in front of whoever happens to be present. Different parents choose to make a spanking more of a public event for different reasons.
One of the primary reasons for a public spanking is the fact that discipline happens on the spot…period. This greatly reduces the chance of misbehavior in all situations as the young lady knows that mom or dad will never hesitate to spank right then and there. For the teen that is often a little more of a smart ass when she is around her friends, if she knows a spanking in an option, right there in front of her friends, the chances of this happening are quite slim.
It is embarrassing enough to be in high school and still be spanked at home by her parents. Most teen girls go well out of their way to make sure that none of their friends know that they still have to bare their bottoms on occasion for some much-needed discipline. But for that spanking, to actually take place in front of her friends, would be the worst possible scenario that she could imagine. Just knowing that mom or dad will not hesitate to spank her with her friends present is enough to assure the very best behavior whenever one or more of her friends are around.
Obviously, for the parent who is committed to spanking on the spot, whenever a young lady’s behavior calls for it, it is not limited to just her friends. Within the home, if her behavior requires it, a spanking can happen with anyone present. This could be friends of the parents, relatives, or even the neighbor from down the street. Imagine the two sisters, who are constantly fighting and arguing. There are a lot of chances for such behavior during the holidays, but with a house full of relatives, you can count on their very best behavior, as they do not want to have to bare their bottoms, right there in the middle of the living room, as dad belt comes off.
Not all spankings that are administered with others present are simply as a result of taking care of the punishment on the spot. In many homes, spankings are always administered in the common areas of the home and never in private. There are several reasons that a parent might want to add a more public element to her spanking.
The primary reason is that it is quite embarrassing to be spanked in front of other people. If mom or dad are doing the job right, there are going to be a lot of tears and crying. No one likes to break down and cry in front of others, especially a teen girl, who is desperately trying to show the world that she is all grown up. There is no way to feel all grown up with her pants and panties around her ankles, as she is blubbering while mom wears her bottom out.
Another contributing factor to the overall embarrassment of being spanked in front of others, it that of being partially naked in front of anyone else. An older teen, as much as she might squeeze her body into revealing clothing to show it off, is generally quite modest when it comes to being somewhat naked. Having to bare her bottom, right there in front of anyone any everyone, can be quite the deterrent all by itself, before the spanking ever begins.
There are many families in which the spanking takes place in a common area of the home as a warning to the others that live under that roof. These parents want to make sure that each and every child knows exactly what happens for any given behavior. There will be no confusion at all, 3 weeks later, when the little sister finds herself bending over for a hard paddling, for the same offense that she watched her big sister get paddled for.
In some homes, whoever happens to be present, will get to see the spanking take place, but in others, the entire family will be called in to watch. This allows the parents to make sure that everyone gets to see the results of misbehavior. It may happen after dinner, or just before bed, but a family meeting is called and someone’s bottom is going to pay the price and everyone will be there to see it. A teen girl, who knows that every spanking in going to take place on her bare bottom, in front of her brothers and sisters, tends to be a young lady that is on her very best behavior.
For many young ladies, a spanking will always be a private event. But for others, this is never the case and they know, without a doubt, that regardless of where she is at, or whoever is present, if she needs a spanking, she will get one. All images come from the public spanking videos in the member’s area of Realspankings.com.
Tags: bare bottom, Belt, corporal punishment, dad, hairbrush, high school, mom, Paddled, sisters, spanking, strap, strapping, tears, Teen, whoopin, 打屁股