
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

A quick hairbrush spanking from mom

hairbrush spanking for mom

Bent over the couch for her hairbrush spanking.

Corporal punishment is quick, simple, frequent and effective in her house.  As the oldest of 5 children, she is quite used to having her butt spanked.  As a child her mom used her hand and once she reached about middle school she graduated to the exclusive use of the hairbrush on her bottom.  For her and all of her siblings a spanking was a very normal, if not daily event in their home.  Their mother spanked hard and spanked often for each and every little offense that any of the children committed.  It was such a normal event, that when one of them was getting spanked, it barely raised the attention of any of the others.

Every spanking that was administered in this household took place in the family room.  This was

hairbrush spanking from mom

Her bottom becomes bruised from the very beginning of her spanking from mom.

the most central and most used area of the house.  With five kids their mother was quite busy most of the day and did not have time to send kids to their rooms to be spanked.  Whenever a spanking was required she simply bent the offending child over the arm of the couch.  The younger kids were still spanked with her hand, while for the older ones; she kept a hairbrush in the drawer of the end table next to the couch.  Bottoms were always bared for a spanking regardless of the offense.

As long as the oldest daughter could remember she had always been spanked in this manner, over the couch and on her bare bottom.  It would often take place in front of many of her siblings as this room was the primary gathering place in the house as well as the room with the TV and Xbox in it.  Since her bottom had been bared in front of her siblings for her whole life, it was not all that embarrassing anymore, even now at the age of 17.  She had seen all of their bare butts being spanked more times than she could count.  There were those few occasions when a spanking could not wait and she found herself baring her butt in front of one of her sibling’s friends, but in this house, it just came with the territory.

teen girl getting spanked by mom with a hair brush

Already feeling the sting from the hairbrush, but this will not be over until she is crying.

When a spanking was called for, her mom was not big on words.  There were many times that it was not until she had bared her butt and was bending over that she even knew what she was getting spanked for.  Her mom’s favorite phrase prior to a spanking was quick and to the point, “That’s it, you are getting spanked”.  Those words basically meant that she needed to get her butt into the family room, bare it, and present it. There

bruised bottom teen spanking with a hair brush

The bruises on her bottom are coming along nicely.

was no arguing, it simply made things far worse.  When she was told she was to be spanked, it was a reality, it was set in stone, and there was no changing her mom’s mind.  She had learned it was best to just suck it up and get it over with, there was no reversing a decision and any attempts to do so

just led to lots more spanking.  If her mom said those words, she would literally walk over to the couch, pull down her pants and her panties, and then bend over and wait.  It would sometimes take a minute or two for her mom to stop what she was doing and she would just have to lay over the arm of the couch and hope her mom got right to it.

Once her mom was ready, the whole process rarely took more than 2 minutes.  Her mom would walk over to the end table, open the drawer and grab the dreaded hairbrush.  She was a busy woman and did not have much time to spare for such things she so always got the spankings over with quickly.  She would walk behind her daughter and just started spanking with the

mom bruises her daughter's bottom with a hair brush

Her mom spanks hard enough enough that each smack with the brush leaves a bruise.

hairbrush.  Her style was always the same.  She would lay the brush on one cheek, raise it up, and smack that cheek extremely hard.  The brush would then touch the other cheek for a brief second and the process would be repeated.  The brush was thick and heavy and each swat would leave a small purple bruise.  It was a hard enough spanking that even at this age, after years of hairbrush spankings, it always led to tears.  They really were not an option as her mom did never gave a set number of strokes, or spanked for a set amount of time, she simply spanked until she had her daughter crying.  Tears alone were not enough as she required the type of crying that demonstrated that a lesson was learned.  She typically received between 50-60 swats with the hairbrush over a 2 minute period of time.  This was ample time to really get the tears going and to leave her bottom properly bruised.

When the spanking was complete, it was like nothing had ever happened.  Her mom might say something like “that should do it” and then simply get back to fixing dinner or whatever other household chore she was in the middle of at the time.  There was not a single word said about the spanking, it basically erased all evidence of whatever she was being punished for.  It would take her a moment to compose herself, get her pants back up, and to wipe away her tears.  Her bottom would be very sore for a day or two, but that was the only real evidence that a spanking had taken place.  Her dad was rarely even informed that one of his kids had been in trouble.  As far as her mom was concerned, bad behavior required a hard spanking, but then that was the end of it.

teen girl still spanked by mom

Mom spanks long and hard providing her with a bruised bottom and tears in her eyes…a lesson learned.

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Videos of a 19 year old girl receiving real corporal punishment with dad’s paddle

There are many dads who believe that a hard paddling is the only way to keep their teen daughter in line.  They know that a sore bottom teaches a lesson differently than grounding her, or taking away her phone for a week.  A teen girl can live without her phone for quite some time, but the constant reminder of a sore bottom seems to serve as a better deterrent.

Effective dads have learned that a teen girl needs her bottom paddled hard in order for her to really learn a lesson.  Gone are the days when a brief little spanking would change her attitude.  Let’s take for example the dad below and how he deals with a 19 year old daughter. First, he never hesitates to use corporal punishment, and he uses it on the spot.  When his daughter acts up in public, the second he gets home, he sends he to her room to get her paddle.  It is a paddle he made for her several years before, while she stood next to him in the garage as he constructed it.  He had her spend a couple of hours after he made it, sanding it by hand, so she would get to know it very well.  It is very much her paddle, it is kept in her room, and used exclusively on her teen bottom.  Even with her having been out of high school for a year, her bottom still feels that paddle on a fairly regular basis.  As you can see, he does not hold back when paddling her teen butt when it is required, and he is pretty creative when it comes to placing her in position to be paddled.  He no longer paddles her bare butt, as he hits hard enough that it on occasion it would break her skin, but after every paddling she receives, he checks her bare bottom to make sure it is properly bruised.

Real corporal punishment paddling video of a teen girl from her dad

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Because he believes in paddling on the spot for infractions, this has led to some embarrassing situations for her.  On multiple occasions she has had friends over at her house and has had to bend over and have her bottom paddled in front of them.  He changes nothing in the way she is punished just because someone else is present.  He paddles her hard and always checks her bare butt, even with her friends over.  He feels that only her behavior influences if she is paddled or not, so if the moment calls for it, then corporal punishment must be used.  One of the worst times for her was a very recent paddling she received from her dad.  She came home late and had also been driving his car.  What made it even more uncomfortable for his daughter is that a new neighbor, who had just moved in, was over for her 1st visit.  Even with a new guest in their home, he is not deterred and feels the need to address her behavior on the spot.  At almost the same moment that she is being introduced to their neighbor, she is being sent to the kitchen to get the bread board.  Less than 30 seconds later, she is handing over the keys to the car that she is now grounded from, and presenting her bottom to be paddled, right in front of the neighbor.

You can see in the video below that he does not hold back, even in the presence of guests.  He swings that giant breadboard with such force that it breaks into pieces after just a couple of swats.  You can tell that those swats really do the job, but he is not satisfied after the paddle breaks and is certainly not going to let that deter him from finishing the paddling she deserves.  He goes and gets the most recent paddle he has constructed while she waits, bent over in the living room, just a few feet from their new neighbor.  When her dad returns he really gets to work on her bottom with his new paddle, alternating between her bottom cheeks swinging full force.  After she has been taught a proper lesson, he checks her bottom to see if it is sore enough.  He sends her off to her room, not even allowing her to pull her pants back up.  He is a strict single father of a 19 year old girl, but he gets the results he needs through swift and severe corporal punishment. 

Teen girl receives corporal punishment from her dad, real video

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Only at can you see videos like this, ones that capture the true intensity and realism of corporal punishment in the homes of America.  The scenes are not long and drawn out, with filler material to make the spanking seem longer.  We get to see real corporal punishment videos, in which the discipline is quick, realistic, and most of all painful.  There are no little pitty pat spankings, we see corporal punishment in its most pure form, leading to bruised bottoms and tearful, age appropriate teens.  As of the writing of this post, they have 1708 different corporal punishment videos in their member’s area, featuring more than 100 different models, everyone of them available from the moment you signup.

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Teen sisters receive corporal punishment with a belt from both mom and dad VIDEO

teen girl belt spanking

Mom spanks her teen daughter with a belt.

There are those moments when young ladies find themselves in trouble with mom and she wants to be the one to administer the corporal punishment.  Even if dad is the primary disciplinarian in the home, sometimes mom feels like she needs to handle things.  She needs her daughters to respect her authority and sometimes it is not enough for her to simply tell them they have earned a long session with dad’s belt.  There are those occasions when she needs to be the one with the belt in her hand blistering their young bottoms.

A perfect example is the mom who has to go and pick up her daughters at school as a result of both of them

Mom corporal punishment of daughters

Mom blisters her daughter’s bottom with the belt.

skipping the class after lunch together.  She is embarrassed and angered as she walks through the school halls, towards the principal’s office, to bring her daughters home.  On the car ride home her anger build as neither of them seem to think that it was that big of a deal. She finds herself wishing that her daughter’s school still administered corporal punishment, as it did when she went there, so their bottoms would already be sore when she takes the belt to them.

By the time she gets home, she is fuming, as her girls are close to being done with high school and they should know much better at this point in their lives.  She marches them right upstairs, still angry, lecturing them all the way to their rooms.  Their father hears the commotion and comes out to see what is going on.  The mother simply tells him that she needs his belt.  He knows they must be in a lot of trouble as he is usually the one to blister their bottoms when it is required.

She marches into her oldest daughter’s room and gets to work with the belt while the dad stands

teen girl spanked with a belt by dad

Mom hands the belt to dad so he can give them another hard spanking.

in the doorway and watches the punishment.  She gives her oldest daughter a dozen strokes with the belt as hard as she can and then moves on to her youngest daughter’s room.  Once again, with dad watching, she gets to work on the other teen’s jean covered butt.  As is often the case when mom decides to administer corporal punishment to her daughters, she knows that she is not as effective as their dad.  As hard as she tried, she cannot put as much force into a spanking as he is able to.  She is not looking for the soft moans they make when she straps them, she wants tears.  Frustrated with her performance, she hands the belt over to the dad and asks him to spank them again.

At this point he does not even know what they have done, but it is clear they are deserving of it, so he enters each girl’s room and gets to work.  Mom stands in the doorway as each girl gets another 10 hard strokes from dad with the belt, in a way that is much more satisfying for her.  After each girl receives their second strapping, the parents retreat to their own bedroom to discuss their daughter’s behavior.  What the girls do not know, as they lay on their beds rubbing their sore bottoms, is that mom does not think the corporal punishment they just received was even close to enough.  She decides that dad needs to return to their rooms this evening, with the paddle, for a long and hard bare bottom paddling, hopeful that this will teach them the lesson they deserve.

teen sisters receive a corporal punishment strapping from both mom and dad

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The pictures and the video in this post come from the member’s area of, part of the family of sites. As you can see, this is a perfect example of how real corporal punishment is used in the homes of America today. Real teen girls, receiving strict discipline.

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