
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

A hard paddling from her dad in front of her friends

She had recently turned 18 and was close to finishing her final year of high school.  Her parents had noticed that her behavior was growing increasingly out of control during this final year of school.  Her grades were slipping, she was always just “a little” late coming home, and she seemed to have an attitude just about every time she spoke.  On this day in particular, things were going to change.  Spanking had been the primary form of discipline in this home, for many years, but since she started high school, they were used more sparingly.  At the most, she found herself bending over for a hard strapping from her dad’s belt, one to two times a month.  But with her behavior growing increasingly out of control, her parents decided that it was time to increase the severity of the spankings she received.

teen girl paddled by dad

Constructing a paddle to use on his teen daughter’s bottom.

The day came when they received a phone call that she was absent from school, when she had indeed left for school that morning.  Education was very important in their home and skipping school was simply not tolerated.  A couple hours before she was due to arrive home, her father went out into the garage, to begin a little construction project.  He selected a nice piece of heavy oak, left over from a recent shelving project, and got to work building an implement that would make a far greater impression on her 18 year old bottom.  While he knew that his belt certainly left her bottom burning, it was not time to take it to the next level.  He was building a paddle that would leave her bottom bruised and sore for days.  It took him close to two hours to build the paddle and he put a lot of care and detail into it.  He knew that it would be receiving a lot of use over the coming months and he wanted to have a paddle that was good enough to really get the job done.

teen girl still spanked at home with dad's paddle

Putting the final touched on the paddle that will be used to bruise her teen bottom.

He doubted that she told her friends that she was still spanked at home.  At the age of 18, not too many girls still bend over for a spanking, but her parents had decided long ago that as long as she acted the way she did, she would have her bottom spanked.  He had also decided that on this day, her friends would not only find out that she was still spanked, but they would witness it 1st hand.  The timing could not have been more perfect with the construction of the heavy oak paddle.  As he was sanding the final edges on him implement masterpiece, her ride home pulled up in the driveway.  Allison and her two closest friends stepped from the vehicle and started to head into the house.  He stopped their progress and approached Allison with the new paddle in his hand.  She was asked how her day at school was, and she told him that it was fine.  This was a big mistake, as not she had the offense of lying to go with her day of skipping school.

teen girl paddle spanking from dad

Her paddling is going to take place in front of her friends and the neighbors

That was all he needed to hear to reinforce his initial decision to paddle her in front of her friends.  He told her to put down her purse and bend over the hood of the car.  She knew better than to argue about a spanking that she was about to receive and did as she was told.  Her head was flooded with various emotions.  Her 1st concern was the big board that her dad was holding in his hand.  She was quite aware of his skills with his leather belt, and even at this age, a spanking from him always brought her to tears.  But now here he was with a heavy wooden paddle in his hands and she knew it was going to be bad.  She was also quite embarrassed about the fact that her friends were going to see her spanked like a little girl.  She had never told anyone that her bottom was still spanked, and this was a horrifying way for them to find out.  She was not only concerned with the fact that her friends were going to watch, as this was being done in her driveway, in full view of their neighbors and any car that drove by at the time.

teen girl paddled at home by her father

Feeling the burn of the paddle on her teen bottom.

All of her emotions and concerns quickly disappeared as the 1st swat of the paddle landed in her tiny teen bottom.  She went from being horribly embarrassed and self-conscious about being spanked in a very public manner, to shocked from the pain of paddle hitting her bottom.  A stroke of the belt burned from the very beginning, but this sensation had a lot more pain involved with it.  She felt the burning sensation she was used to, but it also felt as if someone had punched both of her butt cheeks.  This was not a sensation limited to her skin; she could feel it deep down in her muscles.  It literally took her breath away, and before she was able to find her next breath, the next swat one landed.  She wanted to be brave in front of her friends, but this went right out the window as the second swat hit in the exact same place as the 1st.  The tears build up in her eyes and started rolling down her face.  As the third swat was administered with maximum efficiency, her tears turned to full on crying.  She was no longer concerned with what her friends thought, and there was really no way of covering up how bad this paddling hurt.  The crying became more intense as she did her very best to stay in position, something she had learned many years ago, that was mandatory.  Getting out of position had a way of adding to the length of her spankings, and that was something she did not want to happen.

teen spanked by dad

He paddles her bottom hard enough that it will be sore for a couple of days.

Before it was all over, he had only given her ten swats with the paddle.  He was quite impressed with the results and knew that he had made a good decision as far as retiring the belt.  He achieved in ten swats the same results it would have taken at least 30 with the belt to achieve.  He also knew that these results would be longer lasting as her bottom would be bruised and sore for at least a couple of days.  He told her to stand up and sent her friends on home.  Allison’s bottom burned like she had never felt before and there was a pulsating pain with every beat of her heart.  Her dad was actually being quite nice to her in regards to the public portion of her punishment.  The paddling she had just received was for skipping school, but for lying, she would need to be paddled again.  Her parents had decided that on those occasions in which a very serious impression needed to be made, that it would not be out of the question for her to have to bare her bottom for a paddling.  He knew the moment the lie left her mouth that she would need to have her bottom bared, but he did not see this as appropriate to be done in front of her friends and in the front yard.  He walked her into the house and into the dining room, pulled out a chair, told her to drop her pants and panties, and to bend over.  He told her that he was now going to demonstrate what happens when she lies.  With tears still in her eyes, she lowered her jeans and panties, and presented her bruised bottom to be paddled again.

These animations and story comes from an intense paddling video from today’s update in the member’s area of

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The paddle is a very effective corporal punishment tool for the teen girl’s bottom

girl gets paddled by her dad

Bent over her bed for a hard paddling from dad.

For many teen girls, a simple spanking is just not enough to get the job done.  There are many factors that can lead to such an occasion.  The 1st is simply just having very strict parents.  There are many very traditional parents out there and they see discipline as a very serious ordeal, not something that can be handled with just a few smacks to a girl’s bottom, and they tend to handle things in a much more serious manner.  There are also those girls who just continue to get into a good deal of trouble as they progress into their older teens, and the discipline that use to be used, no longer seems to be an option as the seriousness of their misbehavior has increased, so therefore the seriousness of their spanking must also increase.  There are also those parents that just see the implement used for a spanking should increase in severity as the teen girl gets older.  There are many young ladies that were received handspankings when they were little, followed by the belt as they reached middle school age, only to be replaced by something even more severe as they entered high school.

In all of the situations above, one of the most natural implements to be used is a wooden paddle.

severe paddling from dad

Dad bares her bottom right there in the family room and gives her the hard paddling she has earned.

As long as there have been tools, dads have been crafting a proper wooden implement to spank their daughter’s bottoms with.  It does not take a craftsman to come up with an effective paddle for teaching a young lady a proper lesson.  Most garages of today have enough scrap wood around that the materials to create a paddle are always quite handy.  Some dads spend a great deal of time crafting the perfect paddle for discipline in the home.  They may put in four to five hours constructing the perfect tool for discipline.  They round all of the corners, sand it down to perfection, and create an implement that strikes fear into the mind of the teenage girl.  Many dads have taken this an extra step and require their daughter to help with the paddle’s construction.  Picture the older teen who has been getting her bottom blistered with a heavy leather belt for a few years, which finds herself in the most trouble of her life.  Dad decides that it is finally time to up the severity of her spankings and tells her that she is going to get paddled.

teen girl paddled

This daughter gets paddled with a paddle she help construct.

To her surprise, her punishment is delayed as she ends up taking a trip to Home depot with her dad.  They go to the hobby wood section as she watches him pull out several types and thickness of precut wood.  She watches as he runs his hand over the ½” and ¾” thick oak, pine, and maple.  He also spends time looking at the boards that are precut to between 18” and 36” in length.  He spends several minutes making his decision and hands her the 36” long, ¾” thick, piece of heavy oak for her to carry.  The reality of her situation is starting to really kick in as she feels the weight of the board she is holding.  They then grab some sandpaper and a new blade for his coping saw.  She is bright red at the cash register thinking that everyone must know that this is to make a paddle to be used on her bottom.  When they get home he sends her upstairs to grab a protractor, a ruler, and a pencil and tells her to meet him in the garage.  When she comes back down she serves as his assistant while he designs the paddle.  She sees him draw a couple of curves at the top; just enough to round it, but not taking anything off the overall width of the board.  She watches as he experiments with a couple of variations on a handle, making her erase the design that he does not like.

Finally she is able to see what will be the paddle to be used on her bottom.  He takes out

Teen girl corporal punishment

Bent over for a hard bare bottom paddling before bed.

his coping saw and takes his time cutting out the new creation.  When it is complete, he is holding an almost 3 ft long paddle, 5 inches wide, with a handle that is a foot long.   He pulls out a sanding block, shows her how to put the sandpaper in it, and tells her to get to work.  He explains that all of the edges need to be sanded down, as he does not want any part of the paddle to have any sharp edges.  At this point he hands her the paddle and tells her not to come back in until it is perfect.  For the 1st time she is really able to feel the weight and she is already fighting back the tears.  She begins the long and tedious job of sanding every edge of the very paddle that will be used on her bottom.  For the next two hours she becomes very familiar with an instrument of discipline that she is going to get to know even better when she is done.

teen girl spanking from dad

Paddled come in different shapes and sizes but they all achieve the same results…a bruised bottom.

A paddle is so very effective as a punishment tool for many reasons.  First of all, there are very few implements that strike so much fear into the hearts and minds of young ladies in this country.  No teen girl has ever looked at a paddle that is about to be used on her bottom and thought “this won’t be so bad”.  This is not a hand, a belt, or even a wooden spoon, it is a big board designed for one purpose, to bring pain to the teen girl’s bottom.  A proper paddle will be at least ½” thick and this takes spanking to a level that most girls are not used to.  A spanking administered with a hand or a belt can certainly hurt like hell while it is being applied.  But the pain the young lady feels from such a punishment creates a very painful sting, and not much more than that.  Yes, a good whoopin with a belt can indeed leave a young lady in tears and with a bruised bottom, but it is not even close to the same experience as a paddle.  A paddle creates the same sting, as the implement makes contact with her bottom; it is basically the same process, as something swung with much force is making contact with her skin.  But with a paddle, the swat does not stop there, as it fully compresses her skin and then compresses even further onto her bottom and makes heavy contact with the muscles in her bottom.  When the paddle compresses the muscles in her bottom, real learning starts to take place.

This learning comes about as a result of bruising.  We have all heard the phrase “you will not be

Teen girl paddling from dad

A proper paddling will leave her teen bottom bruised and sore for days.

able to sit down for a week”.  While this is an exaggeration in most instances, with a hand or a belt, no parent can come even close to making good on these words.  With a paddle, they can certainly get at least half way there.  A proper paddling, in which a young lady has received at least a dozen hard swats to her little teen bottom, with a thick wooden paddle, will leaved her marked and sore for many days.  The day after a proper paddling, sitting down will indeed be very difficult.  It is not that is will actually be impossible, but it will certainly feel like it for her at the time.  She learned a lot while her bare bottom was being paddled, there is no questioning that, but the real learning begins the next day and continues for some time.  The reality is, no teen girl can get through a day without having to sit down, as hard as she may be trying to avoid it after her bottom was paddled.  If her paddling occurred during the week, she is really going to learn a lesson as she struggles through a day at school sitting on a hardwood desk with a bruised bottom from her paddling.  There will not be a second during her school day in which she will not thinking about how sore her bottom is, the paddling she received, but most importantly, what she did that earned her a paddling.  If we really break down what is an effective punishment is, it has just been defined.  She is not able to put her behavior behind her, she is not able to ignore her punishment, and every moment for the next several days serves as a very real reminder of her behavior.  There is no doubt that this will decrease the chances of future transgressions.

teen bottom paddled

Instant learning as the paddle connects with her tiny teen bottom

Another big benefit of a paddle being used to punish a teen girl’s bottom is that it does not require as much work on the part of the person administering the discipline.  Many moms and dads have literally worn themselves out trying to teach a teen girl a real lesson using their hand or a belt.   With a paddle it just takes a fairly moderate swing to start to make an impression.  Another benefit is that a paddle is also quite effective over a young lady’s pants and panties.  Yes, a bit of the sting is reduced when her butt is paddled over clothing, but the long term effects tend to be the same.  Many girls, as they grow into young women, are no longer spanked on their bare bottoms by their parents, but with a paddle, their parents can still be assured that a proper lesson is learned, regardless of their state of dress.  Another benefit is how quickly a lesson can be learned.  With a handspanking, it may take 4-5 minutes to get a teen girl’s bottom to a place in which real learning takes place and the tears are really flowing.  With a belt, some parents have to swing it up to 100 times to really tear her butt up as required.  With a wooden paddle, after just the 1st swat, they really have her attention.  This is not to say that a single swat paddling is enough to take care of the problem, but generally somewhere between 10-30 swats will get the job done.

While we have discussed that a paddling works over clothing, there is no doubt that a bare

hard paddling video

Dad started with a wooden spoon, but it quickly broke, so he decided her bottom also needed to feel the heavy bread board paddle.

bottom paddling is still the most effective.  First of all, having an 18 year old girl bare her butt for a spanking demonstrates to her, that regardless of how old she feels, that as long as she is acting like a child that she will treated like a child.  When she is required to pull down her pants and present her bottom, it makes her an active participant in her punishment.  It also adds a very big sense of vulnerability as she takes away any protection she has between her and that big wooden board that is about to be used on her.  A bare bottom paddling obviously hurts more at the time, and the purpose of a spanking is to provide pain to her bottom, so the more it stings the more effective the process is.  When her bottom is bared, it is also much easier for her mom or dad to gauge the progress of the paddling.  The goal is to make her bottom sore enough that she cannot sit for a few days.  If they are actually able to see her bottom as it turns from red to black and blue, they will better know when the job is done.  It also allows them to concentrate the force of the paddling to that portion of her bottom that will touch a seat when she attempts to sit down.  A hard paddling, applied in a serious but reasonable manner, to a teen girl’s bare bottom, is an effective learning tool that keeps young ladies on their very best behavior.

All pictures and animations come from the very real paddling videos in the member’s area of, If you have ever wondered what it really looks like to see an 18 year old girl paddled until the tears are flowing, there is no better place to see it.  You will witness true punishments administered with the goal of producing tears.  Just take a look at the scene below, captured from this week’s updates.  Two sisters get in trouble with their dad for not putting away their PlayStation and leaving the TV on.  He marches them both back down to the TV room, opens the backs of their dropseat PJ’s and paddles both of their bottom long and hard with a heavy wooden paddle.  They both end up with bruised bottoms having learned a very real lesson.  You can tell by the reaction from the girl below that this is not a playful little spanking with faked responses.  Her butt is black and blue and she is visibly upset.  In addition, I just did a search on for scenes that involve a wooden paddle being used for a spanking and there are 306 scenes that involve the use of a wooden paddle.  They currently have 1727 scenes available to members, so 306 wooden paddle scenes is a pretty good ratio for you hard paddling fans out there.

teen girls paddled by dad

Two sisters get their bottoms paddled black and blue from their dad.

teen girls paddled by dad

The results of her paddling are clear, her sister will soon be feeling her dad’s paddle.


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Dad paddles his 18 year old daughter

When she was little her mom handled all of the spankings in the house.  About the time that she was 15 she was given a spanking from her mom, while her dad was present, and after it was all over, as she walked out of the room, both her parents heard her mutter under her breath, “it didn’t even hurt”.  Her dad walked out of the room, grabbed her by the arm, and gave her the hardest spanking of her life with his hand over her jeans.  From that day on he was the only one who spanked her bottom.

But after that 1st spanking he gave her, he decided that there was no reason to hurt his hand the way he just had so he went into the garage and built an oval shaped paddle out of some spare oak he had from shelves he had built in his office.  Discipline became quick and simple from that day forward whenever it was required.  The process was always the same and it never wavered regardless of the offense.

dad paddled daughter

Bending over for a 100 swat paddling from her dad.

The small oak paddle was kept in a drawer in the kitchen, which is also where she was always spanked.  He would march her into the kitchen, have her bend over and put her hands on her knees.  He never bared her bottom as it was not required, the oak paddle had enough thud to it that she felt every bit of her spanking through her pants.  Once she was bent over, he would spank as hard as possible and very fast.  He always gave her 100 paddle swats, laying two on one cheek and then two on the other.  If she took her hands off of her knees, stood up, or moved her feet at all, the count started over again.  It was quick, effective, left her bottom bruised, and with tears in her eyes.  Since that day a few years ago when dad took over the spanking, she has never again stated that a spanking did not hurt.

severe paddling from dad

He paddles her teen bottom long and hard and does not stop until all 100 swats have been applied severely.

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The entire process of spanking an older teen girl

There are many steps required for an effective spanking took take place in the home environment.  For many decades these steps have assured a well spanked bottom and a proper lesson being learned.  Let’s take a look at each of the steps individually.


teen girl spanking

Her mom lectures her and tells her exactly why she is about to be spanked.

The Lecture
The 1st step in any proper spanking is the lecture.  It does no good when punishing a young lady if she does not know exactly why she is being spanked.  Good parents will sit down with their teen daughter and explain exactly what aspect of her behavior has found to be undesirable.  She will be informed that what she did is not allowed and that she needs to be punished for it.  The lecture should give her full ownership of her actions and full ownership of the

bare bottom paddling for the teen girl

Being told in a loving and gentle manner that she is about to have her bare bottom paddled.

punishment that she has earned. Good parents will structure this lecture based on a cause and effect relationship between her actions and the punishment.  She is not being spanked because they are mad at her, she is being spanked because that is the punishment that she knows she will receive when she misbehaves.  It is her actions, and her actions only, that have led to this moment.  She knew when she made the conscience decision to break the rules, that if she was caught, there would indeed be consequences.  She has earned the spanking she is about to receive and it is the parents job to see to it that she gets exactly what she has earned.


waiting for her spanking

Sent to her room, told to change into her PJ’s and wait for her spanking.

The Wait
The next step in a proper spanking, after the lecture, is a period of waiting.  While some parents like to administer a spanking on the spot, at the very moment an infraction occurs, this is not always the most effective approach.  Once a young lady has been informed of what she did wrong and the punishment she will receive, she needs a little time to consider her actions.  Most parents will send their daughter to her room for a little while before her spanking.  This allows her time alone with her thoughts and to help her better figure out not only what she did to get herself into this situation, but what she can do in the future to avoid a similar circumstance.  This also gives her time to sit and think about the spanking she is about to receive.  The stress alone of waiting for a spanking can be a powerful learning tool and is an effective addition to any spanking.  Yes, the physical pain of a spanking can be unbearable, but sitting and thinking about how much her bottom is going to hurt as a result can be equally as painful emotionally.  A spanking itself is about more than just the physical application of pain to a teen girl’s bottom, it is a process, and waiting for her butt to be spanked in an important part of that process.

teen girl waiting to be paddled

Sent to her room to wait, with the very paddle that will be used on her teen bottom. She looks at it and wonders how bad her bottom will be bruised.

Into Position
Many people see a young lady being put into position for her spanking as simply being a requirement to get the job done.  However, positioning is one of the most important steps regarding a spanking.  This step is most important because it requires her to become an active participant in her punishment.  No teen girl should be forced into position prior to her spanking, she needs to cooperate.  This is her spanking, she has earned it, it is for her own good, so she needs to assist in the process. Having her get into position also serves as a reminder that regardless of her age, she is still a child to her parents.  She may feel all grown up at the age of 17 or 18, but as long as she misbehaves in this home, her bottom can still pay the price.  This is very much emphasized when a parent instructs their teen daughter to basically present her bottom to be punished. 

bare bottom spanking from mom

Getting into position for a hard bare bottom spanking from her mom.

The position chosen is also quite important and is more than just functional.  Yes, the right position needs to be chosen for the type of implement used, as we would not want a teen girl over the knee for a hard belt spanking or a paddling with a large paddle, but the position can add very effective elements to a spanking.  An 18 year old girl, that is just too big for her britches, might benefit from having to lay over her dad’s lap for a hard otk spanking.  Just when she is feeling all grown up she is being spanked the same way a young child would be.  This serves as a reminder of who is really the boss in the family and who is still acting like a child.  Position can also really make a teen girl feel exposed, or even embarrassed for her spanking.  Nothing makes a young lady’s heart race than being told to bend over and grab her ankles for a good and hard paddling.  This is not a position of comfort and when her bottom is bare, it certainly makes her feel exposed and on display.  This position also goes back to the cooperation factor during a spanking.  A paddling in this position is not the same as lying over a pillow on the side of her bed where she can just lay there and take it.  This position requires her full attention to even stay in place while her bottom is paddled.  She has to assist in her punishment to even get through the whole process and certainly lack of assistance requires more paddling.  Different positions provide different experiences and it is a vital part of the process of being spanked.

Clothing or Lack there of
In some families as a teen gets older they often stop with bare bottom spankings.  As she has grown to become a woman her parents may decide to allow her a little modesty during her spanking.  I can understand this concept, but clearly a bare bottom spanking works the best.  Just as with position, the process of baring a bottom for a spanking is more than just functional.  When a teen girl requires a bare bottom spanking there are two approaches to getting her bottom bare, both which are very effective.  The 1st is to require her to lower her pants and panties for her spanking.  Once again, she is part of the whole process and is assisting in her spanking.  Nothing allows ownership of a spanking as much as her having to remove all the physical barriers between her skin and whatever she is going to be spanked with.  As she lowers her clothing and panties she knows she is actively helping to make the process of her spanking hurt even more.  This also once again demonstrates who is in charge as there is no other situation in her life (except maybe jail) in which an adult can demand that she take down her panties and show her bare bottom.

teen girl bare butt spanking

She is an active participant in her punishment as she is required to bare her bottom, bend over, and present her little butt to be spanked by her dad.

The other situation is when a parent chooses to bare her bottom for her.  There is no questioning the power dynamic that is exchanged when this happens.  When a dad sits down and tells his daughter to step closer, and then reaches for the button on his daughter’s pants, there is no doubt who is still a child in this relationship.  To have to stand there as her dad lowers her pants and then her panties is quite embarrassing for the teen girl.  It is a very effective way to let her know that dad is still fully in control of her life and is still not beyond taking down her pants to blister her bottom.  Baring a teen bottom for a spanking is about more than just adding additional pain it adds a very important dynamic that aids in the overall process of an effective punishment.

otk spanking from dad

Nothing makes an 18 year old girl feel more like a child than when dad bares her bottom and then takes her over his lap.

The Actual Spanking
All of the steps outlined here are an important part of any spanking, as a spanking is a complete

mom spanks with a belt

Mom lays her over a pillow on the bed and blisters her bottom with a heavy leather belt.

process, and not just about the smacking of a teen girl’s bottom.  But at some point during the process we get the actual application of physical pain to a girl’s bottom.   There are many different ways to spank, different implements to use, and different positions for a young lady to be spanked in.  Since we are discussing the punishment of an older teen girl, we will assume that hand spankings went out the window a long time ago.  Most girls who are still spanked at the age of 17-18, have probably been spanked all of their lives.  Typical parents progress to implements that are more severe as the young lady grows older.  The most common implement used most often on a teen girl’s bottom is a belt.  Every house has many and there are often many variations of belts to use depending on the severity of the infraction.  A recent viral video of the Judge spanking his daughter with a belt is a perfect example.  After he discovers what his daughter has been up to, he sends his wife to get the belt, and you can clearly hear him say “get the big one”.

mom paddles daughter

Mom uses the heavy wood paddle to bruise her bottom.

Many families also make good use of a paddle.  There are many dads in this country, fed up with their daughter’s behavior, which decided to go out into their garage and make a proper punishment paddle.  No dad has ever gone out and built a little ping pong type paddle, they tend to go more with fraternity style paddles.  There are 3 ft long, ¾”, oak paddles alive and well throughout this country.  Many moms find this type of paddle quite effective as they do not have to work so hard to punish their daughter’s bottom, as a single swat with a heavy fraternity type paddle, gets the point across.

Regardless of the implement used, what makes a spanking effective for an older teen girl in

dad severe spanking

With her bottom and thighs a proper shade of red, it is time for dad to start bruising her bottom.

the intensity and longevity of the spanking itself.  Let’s face it; parents who are still spanking their teen daughter at the age of 17 or 18 are quite strict.  They are not spanking her just as a simple little warning, or to just get her attention, she is being spanked as a very real and serious punishment.  They are spanking in an attempt to extinguish the behavior, not just as a reminder to not do it.  A spanking in this situation needs to be painful, almost impossible to endure, and it needs last well beyond the actual smacking of her bottom.  It also cannot be something she is just able to grit her teeth through and take it.  A real spanking always involves tears and not just a few of them.  Many parents feel that the spanking has not actually started until their daughter is crying.  Anything before the tears is basically a warm-up and when the tears start to flow is when they feel the learning has started to take place.  An older teen girl requires a lot of learning so the spanking needs to last as long as is required.

severe hairbrush spanking from dad

With all of her bottom now stinging, it is time to really get to work. He concentrates the hairbrush on the lowest part of her bottom, assuring she will be bruised and sore for many days.

Obviously, different implements require a differing amount of strokes.  A heavy wooden paddle can get the job done in as few as 20 swats, where a belt might require more than 100 strokes to get to the same place.  Some parents give a set amount of swats based on the infraction, others go by time, but the most successful method is to go until the desired reaction is achieved.  The desired results can be measured in two different ways and both are required.  The 1st is the emotional state of the girl being spanked.  There should be a logical progression from grunts, to the 1st tears, to full out uncontrollable crying, to her finally achieving a moment where she begins to settle down a little.   This process demonstrates that she has taken her punishment, felt every second of it, and finally starts to give in to it.  This is a sure fire sign of learning taking place.

girl cries from a spanking

Tears show that she is starting to learn a lesson.

The desired results of a proper spanking having been administered should also be very visible on her bottom.  This is another reason that a bare bottom spanking is best, as the results can be visibly measured.  A properly spanked bottom will have no area on it that is not glowing a very fierce red.  The purpose of the spanking while it is in progress is to provide as much sting as possible to her teen ass.  There is no reason her entire bottom should not be covered as well as the very top of the thighs.  Any spot on her bottom that is not glowing red is just a missed opportunity for learning.  From the top of her butt crack to the top of her thighs, as well as from her left hip to her right, she should feel the pulsating sting from every smack.  While I bright red bottom serves its purpose during the spanking, those sensations fade very quickly.  Just left with a red bottom and in less than an hour, the spanking is a distant memory.  Effective parents choose to add a little more color to a teen girl’s bottom to make sure the lesson stays with her for a while.

mom spanks teen bottom bruises

Her mother does not stop spanking once her bottom is red and the tears begin to flow. She knows the importance of a well bruised bottom and does not stop until she is black and blue.

Many people feel that a bruised bottom may be abusive.  But we are not talking about parents beating their kids out of anger, or abusing them in any way.  This discussion is about parents who take the time to give their daughters the punishment they not only deserve, but have earned.  They are willing to go the extra mile to assure that a lesson is learned, and learned well.  The most effective spanking are not over after the last smack, they need to last for days.  The only way this is possible is with a bruised bottom.  The area of focus is a young lady’s bottom, it is fleshy, and if she is bent in the proper manner, even severe swats from a heavy oak paddle will not do any permanent damage.  A proper spanking involves soreness that last for a minimum of three days and this is only accomplished when her young bottom is left bruised.  Many parents start by covering every square inch of their daughter’s bottom and then focus on the lower portion of her bottom for an even harder spanking.  Just above the spot where her thighs meet her butt is what is often referred to as the “sit spot”.  This is the spot in which it is impossible to avoid contact with a chair when she sits down.  Regardless of the implement, any proper spanking will end with a couple minutes dedicated to this part of her anatomy.  After many swats her bottom will tend to go numb anyway, but the point is not for the pain she will be feeling at the moment, this extra work is for down the road.

A Very Sore Bottom

severe spanking bruised bottom

She inspects her bruised bottom in the mirror…she will be sore for days.

The final phase of a proper spanking is a teen girl with a very sore bottom. Moments after her spanking, her bottom will be on fire.  They may be a little numbness as a result of a severe spanking, but you can count on her feeling a good burn.  It will take her some time to calm herself down, but once her tears are dry, she will still have a burning pain.  As a result of endorphins, which help to combat the pain during the spanking, over the next hour the pain will gradually get worse, not better.  Her body relaxes, the numbness goes away, and she really starts to feel the effects.  Just as the burn of the spanking starts to fade, the deep pain in her muscles will begin.  This is where a bruised bottom comes into play and she really starts to feel a tightness in her muscles and the pulsating sting from her red bottom become a much deeper pulse from deep within.

If she was properly spanked the pain will become worse over a day or two.  The next morning following a spanking tends to be the worse.  She wakes up to a bottom that is so sore that she can barely believe it.  Walking, standing,

teen girl bruised butt from spanking

Three days after a severe spanking her bottom still shows the marks. Sitting is still not an option.

but most especially sitting hurts very much.  The pulsating feeling from the night before is replaced with a heavy throbbing and with each beat of her heart she feels pain on her poor teen bottom.  This is why the bruising phase of a spanking is so important.  She is not able to get up and start her day, trying to put the spanking from the night before behind her, the worst part of her spanking in actually in front of her.  For at least another 24 hours, the pain from this spanking will continue to build.   The pain will build until about 36-48 hours after her spanking, but it will not end there.  After the 3rd day her bottom will start to feel a little better, that does not mean she will not still be uncomfortable, but it will at least start to become bearable again.  She will eventually be able to start sitting comfortably after four days or so.  A severe spanking, especially when administered with a wooden implement like a paddle or hairbrush, can leave her bottom sore for up to a week, with bruises still visible for up to a couple of weeks.

A proper spanking is not just about smacking a bottom, it is a process, an event, one with many steps, each important in the learning process. It is her spanking, she has earned it, and it is up to her parents to not skip a single step, as each one helps reduce the chances of her committing that infraction ever again.  Photos and animation all come from severe punishment videos at

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Two cousins receive a very severe hair brush spanking

For one month of the year Dee’s niece spends time living with the family. Her daughter and her niece had been best friend since they were very young and love to spend as much time together as possible. Since Dee’s sister moved out of the state the girls do not get to see each other as much as they would like. For the second summer in a row Jessica is living in the household and happy to be close to Brandi who she basically sees as her sister. The only part that Jessica does not like about the time she spends with her cousin is the strict nature of the family. While Jessica is no stranger to being spanked, as her mom used to blister her bottom on occasion in her own home, it had been several years since she had been spanked by either of her parents. The last spanking she had received was from her aunt Dee, the previous summer.

teen hairbrush spanking

Two cousing baring their bottoms for a hard spanking with a hair brush.

Dee had no issues with spanking her niece even if her mom no longer spanked her. Dee’s sister also had no trouble with it and actually thought the time that Jessica spent with Dee’s family gave her a good sense of perspective. Unfortunately for Jessica, during the trip this summer she would end up getting the hardest spanking of her life, this time at the hands of her uncle. The need for the two cousins to be spanked had been building since the 1st week Jessica arrived. The girls were coming home late, chores were not getting done, and they had even been caught sunbathing on the back deck while topless. Michael and Dee had given their daughter and their niece plenty of warnings, but the transgressions just kept building. At some point Dee was finally just fed up and talked to her husband about the girl’s frequent and flagrant disregard for the rules of the home. She felt that all of the offenses combined warranted a very serious punishment and it was decided that both of their bottoms needed a visit from the family’s old wooden hairbrush.

hair brush spanking from dad

Being pulled over her dad’s lap for a long spanking with the hair brush.

Both girls were called in from lounging around outside on a very nice summer day. It was clear to Brandi what was about to happen, it took Jessica a little longer to figure it out as she had not noticed the hairbrush on the table. Both girls were lectured about their previous behavior and how it just seemed to keep building. Dee was very clear in that they had given the girls us much slack as they could, but it just seemed that the girls continued to push the boundaries. She felt that the behavior needed to stop now and she knew that there was one thing that would fix the problem for good. Dee then handed the hairbrush to Michael and told both girls to bare their bottoms. Brandi knew better than to offer any resistance as she knew how bad things were in this house when the hairbrush came out and quickly lowered her shorts and panties. Jessica was horrified as to this new development. When she had been spanked last summer by her aunt, it happened in Brandi’s bedroom, was done with a belt and over her panties and her uncle had not been present. She was now faced with the reality of pulling down her shorts and panties right there in the living room, in the full view of her uncle. Dee looked saw her hesitation and with a raised voice said, “I promise that you do not want to know what will happen if I have to tell you again”. The sternness on her aunt’s voice got the point across and she reluctantly lowered her shorts and panties to her ankles.

teen girl bare bottom hair brush spanking from dad

There is no doubt that this is a spanking her teen bottom will be feeling for a very long time.

Michael grabbed a kitchen chair and brought it into the family room and quickly pulled Brandi over his knee. The hairbrush was rarely used in the home and only for the hardest of spankings, so Brandi knew this was going to be bad. As she expected it started hard and fast. Her dad lifted the heavy brush and started beating her bottom with it. She was kicking and crying in a matter of seconds. Jessica watched and could believe how bad this spanking was. She had gotten maybe a dozen strokes with the belt from her aunt the year before and thought that that spanking was pretty bad compared to the few smacks her mom used to give her with a wooden spoon when she was little. But now here she was, standing in the middle of a family room, naked from the waist down, watching her cousins bottom being turned black and blue. Her uncle was spanking so hard, she questioned how she was going to be able to take such a spanking. She found herself looking towards the door wondering where she could run to. She knew that she had no choice though, in just a few minutes her bottom would be given the same treatment.

hair brush spanking for a teen girl

That is the look of learning on her face as her dad spanks her long and hard with the hair brush.

The spanking intensified as Brandi screamed and cried through the whole thing. At some point it finally stopped at which time Dee walked over and took a look at Brandi’s bottom. Brandi’s bottom was all that Jessica could look at at the moment and it looked like it hurt a lot. Jessica was once again horrified as she heard her aunt tell her uncle that she did not think she had had enough yet. Jessica had to refrain from saying out loud what she was thinking, “Are you fucking kidding me”. As she processed that thought, she saw the brush raised into the air again as her uncle basically started over. He once again got to work spanking Brandi’s bottom with that evil hairbrush. The brush on her already bruised bottom intensified her crying. Jessica watched as the red spots on Brandi’s butt become bruised and as the small pepper looking bruises became a deep purple color. Brandi’s butt received another full minute with the heavy brush before her spanking was over. She was helped off her dad’s lap and switched places with her cousin. Brandi stood their crying and rubbing her poor bottom as she watched her cousin being pulled over her dad’s lap.

over the knee for a bare bottom spanking from her ankle

Going over her uncle’s knee while her aunt looks on.

Jessica had never been spanked by her uncle, had never been spanked over someone’s knee, had never been spanked on her bare bottom, and had certainly never been spanked with a hairbrush. At the age of 18, she was about to experience a whole new world of firsts. When the first smack of the brush landed on her bottom, she was introduced to a world of pain she did not know was possible. The pain from the brush was so specific and it lit her tiny teen bottom on fire. Any hopes she had that her uncle might go a little easier on her were quickly extinguished as he really went to work. He spanked hard and fast applying a couple of swats per second to her little butt. He would work the left cheek for several spanks and then move onto the right cheek. Just as with Brandi, the tears came quickly. She did not even try to fight off the tears; there was no way that was possible. This spanking was clearly designed to make her cry her teen eyes out and it was clearly working. As her uncle gave her the spanking of her life, her aunts watched to make sure it was having the desired effect. The intense pain her bottom was feeling finally stopped and she lay over her uncle’s lap fighting for a breath and crying as hard as she ever had.

teen girl hair brush spanking from uncle

He uncle bruises her tiny 18 year old bottom with a hair brush as her cousin watches.

Just as she managed to get a deep breath and tried to calm herself, she barely heard her aunt say, “Yes, a little more for her as well”. As Jessica was processing the words she just heard, her world of pain started again. Instead of each cheek receiving a few and then him moving on, she felt the brush hit a spot on her right cheek, then her left cheek, then back to the same spots over and over again. He was really working the same two spots, low on each cheek and it seemed that it would never end. He smacked her a good 30 times more with the brush before it was finally over. She once again laid over his knees crying her eyes out. Before her spanking her primary concern was standing there with her shorts down in front of her uncle, now every thought she was able to produce was focused on her sore bottom. She could not believe how much it burned, throbbed, and stung. Her ass was on fire and it did not seem like it would even go away. Her uncle gently lifted her off of his lap and she stood next to Brandi who was still sobbing. Her aunt told them both to turn around so she could see their bottoms. Dee walked over and checked her husband’s handiwork with the brush, and for a brief second it occurred to Jessica that the spanking might not be over. Dee looked at the two teen bottoms before her and declared that they were properly punished. She told both girls to head to Brandi’s room and that they were to stay there for the remainder of the day. The girls hurried off with bruised bottoms and tears still in their eyes.

bruised bottom from a hair brush spanking

Both cousin’s bottoms are left bruised and properly punished.

This post was illustrated from the very intense punishment movie “Painful Summer”.  This movie features to real 18 year old girls receiving some very intense discipline.  This full DVD is for sale at Realspankingsfilms or can be downloaded as part of a membership to

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