There are those times, when the strict application of corporal punishment is required for the teen girl, that things do not always go as planned. It may be something about her attitude during her spanking, or it may be as simple as the parent not getting the exact results that they are looking for. Let’s face it, as girls get older, they often try to demonstrate some willfulness, and regardless of the punishment, they are not going to show that it is affecting them. More times than not, this is typically a bad idea.

With her smart mouth she managed to talk her way into a bare bottom strapping.
Take for instance the young lady in these pictures and animations. She found herself in a lot of trouble over the course of her school day, and when she got home, she knew she was in for it. Dad’s typical approach, especially as she has gotten older, is to take the belt to her bottom, while allowing her some modesty, and doing it over her jeans. But on this day, during the lecture portion of her punishment, she decided to not take full ownership of her offenses at school, and to even offer her dad a little attitude…BAD IDEA.

He tears her bare bottom up with the belt, but she tries to prove she is tough and remains silent.
Dad’s solution was to go back a few years, when corporal punishment was a little more effective on her, and require her to bare her bottom, right there in the middle of the living room, for a long and hard session with his belt. Just as he always does, he applies the belt full force, looking to make a very real change in her behavior. But teen girls being…well, teen girls, she does her very best to not make a single sound for the duration of her strapping. This time, even with her bottom bare, she is going to show him that the whoopin she is getting is having no effect whatsoever. As hard as he is strapping her bottom, she going to prove to him that she can take it.

Her bottom and the top of her thighs are worn out from the belt, but dad is just getting started.
You can see from the picture, that this was one hell of a strapping, and the belt on the bare left her bottom bruised and sore. She seems to think in some way that she has won by sucking it up and showing no emotion, but she has no idea what she has started. His response was simple, “it seems that this had no effect, I will get the wooden spoon, and we will start over”. If she wants to pretend to be a big girl, that in unaffected by his belt, he will show her what a true spanking is all about.

If she wants to pretend the strapping did not hurt, he will show her what a real spanking is all about.
While her bottom cools off for a moment, he walks to the kitchen, opens a drawer, and pulls out a sturdy wooden spoon. He walks back into the living room, where she is still laying over the arm of the couch with her bruised bottom on display, and gets back to work. Obviously if a slightly bruised bottom is not enough to get the job done, then he will give her a fully bruised bottom. He uses the spoon hard and fast, so hard in fact, that each and every swat leaves a bruise. He wastes no time in covering every single inch of her bottom, assuring that sitting will be quite difficult in days to come.

The spanking with the spoon continues on her bare bottom until it finally breaks.
After a couple of minutes with the wooden spoon, on her recently strapped bottom, the spoon finally gives out and breaks in half. Looking at the state of her bottom, you would think that her punishment would finally be over, but this is not the case. He wants to make damned sure that this is a spanking she will never forget, so he goes back into the kitchen and finds an even larger and heavier wooden spoon.

Unfortunately for her, the punishment is not over. Dad finds an even bigger wooden spoon and starts all over again.
With her entire bottom already bruised and sore, he starts where he left off and really beats her chubby bottom with the heavier spoon. He basically starts all over again, like she has not even had a single smack, and once again works her entire bottom with the new spoon. He spends a considerable amount of time working the sit spots, as he wants her to have to think long and hard as she struggles to sit at her desk the next day at school.

After several minutes with the belt, and two different wooden spoons, it is clear she will be sitting gingerly and be on her very best behavior.
When all was said and done, she realized the error in her ways. Had she owned her behavior from school, and watched her mouth when talking to her dad, she would have simply been bent over for a minute with his belt over her jeans. But her behavior, coupled with her attitude and defiance, led to not only a bare bottom whoopin, but two separate spankings with a wooden spoon. Instead of a red and slightly bruised bottom, she ended up with her entire bottom being purple and, so swollen that she could barely pull her tight jeans back up.
To see this scene in its entirety, you can buy it at Clips4Sale now!
For the young lady that has lived her life, under her parent’s roof, in the rural South, corporal punishment is just a fact of life. There is no way around it, this is just how things are done in this part of the country, and as hard as she might try, from time to time her little bottom is going to get worn out by mom or dad. While in other parts of the country, such things may stop by the time she is 8 or 9, in small country towns, corporal punishment tends to be the primary form of discipline all the way through high school.

Dad’s belt comes off the moment he gets home to address the paddling she received at school earlier that day.
Not only does she face the possibility of getting spanked at home, but there is a very good chance that each and every school that she attends prior to college will also utilize corporal punishment. It is in these small towns, in which parents use corporal punishment so frequently that the schools get the full support of the community to use the paddle as they see fit. They are not all caught up in being politically correct; the concept is really quite simple. If a young lady, of any age, in any grade, misbehaves at school, then there is a good chance that she will get her bottom paddled. It works at home, why would it not work at school?

Baring her bottom for a whoopin from dad after being paddled at school.
Unlike a large urban school system, in these communities the parents actually know and have a relationship with the majority of their daughter’s teachers and the school administrators. They all attend the same churches and go to the same community events. So when discipline is required at school, it is not done in a manner in which the parents have no idea what is going on, they are generally kept in the loop regarding their daughter’s behavior. This allows for her discipline to be more of a group process, with the parents having full knowledge of whenever a problem needs to be addressed.

Her already bruised bottom is extra sensitive after the paddling she received just a few hours earlier.
When it comes to a young lady’s bottom needing a little attention from the paddle at school, a phone call home happens just about every time. The person administering the paddling does not need to call the parents to obtain permission; it is simply a courtesy call to let them know that their daughter has been acting up. Even more importantly, it is to make sure that this is not just a punishment addressed at school, but one that is also covered at home. The administrator not only knows that he will have full parental support for the paddling he is about to give her, but that in most cases, this will be followed up with some serious corporal punishment at home.

He gets right to work on her teen bottom with his belt.
This brings us to the young lady in the pictures and animations. She found herself in a little trouble at school that afternoon and her behavior did indeed require that she be paddled. She found herself bending over the desk in the principal’s office, for 8 hard swats with the school paddle. As she rubbed her bottom and dried her tears, the principal made the phone call to her dad while he was at work. He explained why she was paddled, how many swats she received, and wished him a good day. She could only hear one side of the conversation, but she could only imagine her dad was not all that happy to hear such news.

The only thing that could make this paddling worse if the phone call he is about to make her dad.
After school, she went about her normal routine of getting her chores done, and finishing up her homework. With a little extra time to kill before dinner, she sat down in the living room and watched a little TV. Her mom had mentioned nothing regarding her getting paddled at school, but dad had not made it home from work yet. It is not that she knew for a fact that she had a spanking coming, but past experience would lead her to believe this would be the case. She tried to enjoy the show she was watching, but along with her already sore bottom, there was that thing in the back of her mind that told her that she was not done yet.

He is just getting started with the belt, he is going to make sure that she is not paddled at school again anytime soon.
Her heart drops as she hears the door to his truck close in the driveway, and she knows that the moment is probably about to happen. Her dad comes in, gives her mom a kiss in the kitchen, and then walks right into the living room. As a man of few words, her worst fears come true, as he tells her to stand up, drop her pants and panties, and lie over the ottoman. There is no discussion, she knows the policy in this home, and there is really nothing she can say. With both her mom and her little brother looking on, she stands up as directed, her pants and panties come down, and she climbs over the ottoman.

He works hard to make sure both sides of her bottom hurt just as much.
Her bottom is still showing the signs of the paddling, from just a few hours ago, with a couple of large bruises on the lowest part of her butt. This does not concern her dad at all, as it is only her fault that her bottom is in such a rough state. His belt comes out of his belt loops and he gets right to work punishing his daughter. The belt is brought down full-force, from the very first stroke, and his pace is quick. He gives her a good dozen strokes from one side of the ottoman, and being that one side of her bottom is more bruised than the other from the paddle, he then switches sides.

A paddling at school and a hard strapping from dad will have her on her very best behavior for quite some time.
Just as before, he brings the belt down as hard as he can on her bare bottom, adding a whole lot of red to the black and blue that is showing. After another dozen strokes, he switches sides once again. He is in no hurry, he will wear her out with the belt for as long as it takes to assure that she does not find herself getting paddled again at school anytime soon. He continues this process, switching from side to side until he feels that he has finally made his point.

Feeling the results of corporal punishment administered at school and at home.
When he finally stops, it is more than just the lowest part of her bottom that is now sore. Her cute teen bottom is now a mixture of pink, red, and purple with very visible welts. There is no conversation afterwards, as there is really nothing to say. She knows exactly why she received the whoopin she just got, and knows it will happen each and every time she is paddled at school. She takes a moment to get her pants back on, dry her tears, and then helps her brother set the table for dinner.
To see the full school paddling and the bare bottom whoopin this young lady received, visit the member’s area of
When it comes to the real life corporal punishment of young ladies, the belt is used in more homes than any other implement. In most cases the belt is applied liberally over whatever she happens to be wearing, and in other homes, bottoms are still bared for some very strict discipline. In the third installment of the series “Girls getting a good whoopin”, we explore how corporal punishment is actually utilized in the real world. There are no gentle warm-ups, no long-winded lectures, instead this entire video is fully focused on the severe use of the belt to teach these young ladies very real lessons. In all cases, the belt is used hard and fast, with the goal of tears and bruised bottoms. This HD video consists of 19 separate punishments, with 17 different young ladies on the receiving end. Over 1 hour and 10 minutes you will see why this has quickly become our bestselling series. This is corporal punishment administered exactly how it was intended to be, with real lessons learned, and sore bottoms for days.
Now available at
Girls Getting a Good Whoopin 3
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I feel that it is safe to say, that when a girl lives in a home in which corporal punishment is still used well into her teen years, the belt is the most common implement used, especially in the US. There are many reasons for this, but the primary one is effectiveness. While in our fantasies, we would love to picture an 18-year-old girl, in a very strict home, dropping her pants and panties for a bare bottom spanking, this is not typical for a girl that age. Even in those homes in which bare bottom spankings were the norm at some point in her life, there is generally an age in which this becomes less common. This is what leads most parents to the belt, as they need something that will still teach a good lesson when used over clothing.
As someone who has an endless fascination with the corporal punishment of teenage girls, I am very pleased to see a brand-new series recently launched by In this new series, they fully explore the effectiveness of corporal punishment with a belt, applied over clothing, to the female bottom. What makes this extra special is the realism of the punishment. Each participant is sat down for an interview prior to the whoopin they receive. They discuss their thoughts on corporal punishment in the home, and share in detail their own experiences being spanked by mom or dad (if they were spanked growing up). One of the most recent ones was fascinating as Devon described bare bottom OTK spankings she received from her mom, typically with a wooden spoon, well into her teens years.
What makes these scenes very powerful is the fact that each girl is given a “cold strapping”, meaning that they were not spanked at all before this scene. Each of the girls shows us their bare bottom before the strapping, and in all cases there is not the tiniest bit of pink at all. I find this to be important as no teen girl gets any sort of warm-up prior to her bottom being worn out with a belt. After the interview he gives them each a realistic scenario to help get them into the right mindset, things like getting caught texting and driving.
Once the scenario is explained, the spanker is no longer nice and then marches them to the place in which they will be strapped. Unlike what you see in many spanking videos, these strappings are the real deal, and administered exactly like an angry dad would to his daughter. The belt that is used is one of the biggest I have ever seen and it is clearly effective. There is absolutely no warm-up, with each swing of the belt being full force. These are not small swings that only involve the arm or forearm, these are full body swings meant to teach a lesson. Each girl is given 30 full-force strokes with the extra heavy leather belt, with no break at all.
There are two cameras to capture the action, both a face and a butt camera. When the punishment is over, the girls are asked to sit back down and talk about the experience. Most importantly, they are asked if that would change their behavior. A couple of these girls are still in their older teens, so it is quite realistic as they are only a couple of years out of high school. The reactions are mixed, from tears to giggles, but it is clear that none of them would likely want to repeat such a punishment again anytime soon. After the final interview, they are asked to bare their bottoms and show the results. As you would expect, all bottoms are as red as can be, but in most cases they are also bruised.
This new series shows the very real results from a proper punishment spanking with a belt and demonstrates why it is used so frequently on teen girl’s bottoms. Every girl, even those really into spanking, did not like the experience at all and said that it would change their behavior is they still lived at home, and their parents used this type of discipline. Below are some pictures and animations from this new series…I cannot wait to see the next one. All scenes come from the HD videos, in the new series, at the member’s area of

Devon’s smile did not last long, she ended up in tears.

Even over clothing the belt was very effective.

Harlan gets a taste of the heavy belt and it is clearly working.

Her bottom is strapped long and hard, just like dad would do.

Her bottom shows the results of a proper whoopin over jeans.

Young and beautiful Mable bends over for a proper lesson with dad’s belt.

You can see that all strokes with the belt are full force and fast.

A perfectly punished teen bottom.

Their newest model “Peaches”. That smile is about to be completely removed from her face once that belt makes contact.

Presenting her petite and amazing bottom for a hard session with the heavy belt.

A strapping just like daddy would apply.

The results of her strapping.
In many homes in the US and throughout the world, when the teen girl finds herself in trouble, and requires a spanking, it is often done in a manner that allows for privacy. She might be sent to her own room, to her parent’s room, or even marched down to the basement for a private session with mom or dad’s belt or paddle.

It does not matter that she is now 18, if she needs a bare bottom paddling, she will be receiving one. This young lady was not sent to her room, she was paddled on the spot for all to see.
But not every parent feels that a spanking needs to be such a private event and they are more than happy to administer it whenever, wherever, and sometimes more importantly, in front of whoever happens to be present. Different parents choose to make a spanking more of a public event for different reasons.

On this day, dad does not even wait for her to get into the house, nor does her care that her best friends are with her. The moment she gets home, she is paddled long and hard right there in the driveway.
One of the primary reasons for a public spanking is the fact that discipline happens on the spot…period. This greatly reduces the chance of misbehavior in all situations as the young lady knows that mom or dad will never hesitate to spank right then and there. For the teen that is often a little more of a smart ass when she is around her friends, if she knows a spanking in an option, right there in front of her friends, the chances of this happening are quite slim.

Both sisters are getting their bottoms worn-out with mom’s belt, even with a friend over for a sleepover.
It is embarrassing enough to be in high school and still be spanked at home by her parents. Most teen girls go well out of their way to make sure that none of their friends know that they still have to bare their bottoms on occasion for some much-needed discipline. But for that spanking, to actually take place in front of her friends, would be the worst possible scenario that she could imagine. Just knowing that mom or dad will not hesitate to spank her with her friends present is enough to assure the very best behavior whenever one or more of her friends are around.

He does not care that the neighbor stopped by for a cup of coffee. His daughter decided to be rude and sarcastic in front of the neighbor, so her bottom was bared and paddled in front of the neighbor.
Obviously, for the parent who is committed to spanking on the spot, whenever a young lady’s behavior calls for it, it is not limited to just her friends. Within the home, if her behavior requires it, a spanking can happen with anyone present. This could be friends of the parents, relatives, or even the neighbor from down the street. Imagine the two sisters, who are constantly fighting and arguing. There are a lot of chances for such behavior during the holidays, but with a house full of relatives, you can count on their very best behavior, as they do not want to have to bare their bottoms, right there in the middle of the living room, as dad belt comes off.

In this home, privacy for a spanking, during the holiday meal with relatives, only means moving from the dining room to the living room.
Not all spankings that are administered with others present are simply as a result of taking care of the punishment on the spot. In many homes, spankings are always administered in the common areas of the home and never in private. There are several reasons that a parent might want to add a more public element to her spanking.

Her teen butt is bared right in the middle of the living room for a proper whoopin from dad.
The primary reason is that it is quite embarrassing to be spanked in front of other people. If mom or dad are doing the job right, there are going to be a lot of tears and crying. No one likes to break down and cry in front of others, especially a teen girl, who is desperately trying to show the world that she is all grown up. There is no way to feel all grown up with her pants and panties around her ankles, as she is blubbering while mom wears her bottom out.

Marched down from her bedroom, bottom bared, and worn out with mom’s heavy hairbrush.
Another contributing factor to the overall embarrassment of being spanked in front of others, it that of being partially naked in front of anyone else. An older teen, as much as she might squeeze her body into revealing clothing to show it off, is generally quite modest when it comes to being somewhat naked. Having to bare her bottom, right there in front of anyone any everyone, can be quite the deterrent all by itself, before the spanking ever begins.

The entire family is called in to watch her spanking.
There are many families in which the spanking takes place in a common area of the home as a warning to the others that live under that roof. These parents want to make sure that each and every child knows exactly what happens for any given behavior. There will be no confusion at all, 3 weeks later, when the little sister finds herself bending over for a hard paddling, for the same offense that she watched her big sister get paddled for.

There is nothing private about this spanking
In some homes, whoever happens to be present, will get to see the spanking take place, but in others, the entire family will be called in to watch. This allows the parents to make sure that everyone gets to see the results of misbehavior. It may happen after dinner, or just before bed, but a family meeting is called and someone’s bottom is going to pay the price and everyone will be there to see it. A teen girl, who knows that every spanking in going to take place on her bare bottom, in front of her brothers and sisters, tends to be a young lady that is on her very best behavior.

In this home, spankings are administered during the family meeting.
For many young ladies, a spanking will always be a private event. But for others, this is never the case and they know, without a doubt, that regardless of where she is at, or whoever is present, if she needs a spanking, she will get one. All images come from the public spanking videos in the member’s area of