
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

A thick and heavy belt is the most effective for corporal punishment

teen girl belt corporal punishment

The perfect belt for corporal punishment

Just like with any other job, a job worth doing well, the choice of tools is very important.  With the wrong tool, a job can take much longer, or be much less effective in the long run.  It is best to maximize the effectiveness of a job by choosing the perfect tool.  When it comes giving an older teen girl a spanking, the selection of the tool to be used is very important.  The job at hand, when applying a spanking, is to bring pain to her bottom.  Not just enough pain to make her bottom sting, but enough pain to make her bottom very sore.  With the wrong tool, a proper lesson might not be learned, so tool selection is very important when it comes to corporal punishment.

Most little girls, who are spanked by their parents, are typically given a handspanking when

teen girl belt spanking

This belt will teach any girl a lesson.

they are young.  But strict parents do realize over the course of time, that their hand is no longer getting the job done.  For the majority of young ladies in America, this eventually leads to their 1st spanking with a belt.  Belts are very popular because they exists in every home and all a parent must do is go and get one and put it to work.  But not all belts are created equal, and some of them are just not up to the task of providing the amount of pain required to a teen girl’s bottom.  Certainly a lot of this can be combated by applying the belt to her bare bottom.  This will greatly increase the sting of the spanking, but sting alone does not always leave the impression that is needed in the long run.

To get the long term results that most parents are looking for through corporal punishment, sting alone is not enough.  A spanking with a belt that is not made of leather, certainly stings a young lady’s bottom, and can produce tears, but within the hour the pain of her spanking is a distant memory.  The redness quickly fades and the pain fully subsides, which does very little to really discourage bad behavior.  It simply leaves her knowing that is she gets in trouble again; it will all be over with soon.  This is not the kind of punishment that leads to permanent changes of behavior, which should really be the goal of any good spanking.

thick spanking belt

Thicker is indeed better when it comes to spanking with a belt.

A sturdy leather belt is the most effective belt for providing the proper amount of discipline to a teen girl’s bottom.   When it comes to really getting results, the thicker the belt the better.  Certainly not all punishments require a severe spanking, but it is better to have too much belt, as opposed to too little.  With a very thick and wide belt, it is possible to provide a severe spanking when it is required, but things can be dialed down should the occasion call for it.  A thick belt also serves the purpose of being still quite effective over pants and panties; whereas a lighter belt will not produce the same results.  There are many teen girls who are no longer spanked on their bare bottom, so in these cases, maximum belt thickness is mandatory.  Much of the sting is reduced during a punishment over clothing, but with a thick and heavy belt, maximum long term soreness is assured.

The best belts for corporal punishment are not always practical to wear on a daily basis; so many parents decide to purchase a belt that is only used for spanking their daughter.  It can be quite effective to allow the daughter to be a participant in the trip where the purchase of that belt is made.  This can serve as an added deterrent when she sees what belt has been chosen to use on her bottom.  It will be quite effective as she watches her parents, at a Western supply store, pulling various heavy belts of the rack and comparing the overall size and thickness of the belts, clearly looking for the one that has the potential to hurt the most.  They might even make her a further part of the process by telling her to look for the heaviest and widest belt that she can find.  A heavy belt in which the only purpose is corporal punishment, also allows the parents to get a really good crease in it, so it folds perfectly every time.  If it is not a belt for daily wear, this also allows the belt to be put somewhere visible in the house, as a daily reminder of what will happen when she misbehaves.  Some parents go as far as having their daughter keep the belt somewhere in her room, so the visual reminder is never that far away.

bare bottom belt spanking from mom

Mom gets her point across much quicker with a heavy leather belt, on her teen daughter’s bare bottom.

When the day comes that a severe spanking is required, parents will be happy they have the right tool for the job.  A heavy belt, doubled up, and applied full force to a teen girl’s bottom, really does have a way of not only punishing her for her behavior, but decreasing the chances of it ever happening again.

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Posted in Corporal Punishment Pictures and Corporal Punishment with a Belt and Spanked by Dad and Spanked by Mom by admin on October 9th, 2013 at 12:03 pm.

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