Teen girls receiving corporal punishment from a friend’s mom
There are many situations in which a teen girl can find herself receiving corporal punishment. In most cases, it takes place in the home and is administered by her mother or father. There are also situations in which she might receive a spanking from her aunt or even grandmother. Outside of the home, the most typical place for her to get her bottom blistered is at school where she may end up bending over and getting her bottom paddled from a teacher, coach, or school administrator.
There is another instance in which a teen girl gets her bottom blistered that does not take place
at home or in school, and that is at a friend’s house. There are many situations in which this may take place. The most common is when a teen girl has a best friend and the moms of both girls are also good friends. The girls have grown up together and are always by each other’s sides. They spend as much time at their friend’s house as they do their own and each mom considers their daughter’s friend to be pretty much family. When the two mothers are also close friends, and they both never hesitate to use corporal punishment in their home, it is natural that at some point a spanking will be required and one of the moms end up punishing her daughter and her daughter’s friend.
The progression probably began when the girls where young and found themselves in trouble during a sleepover or something similar. The mother catches the girls getting in trouble and spanks her daughter in front of her friend. She then calls the other mom and tells her what happened, and the other mom tells her that it is only fair that her daughter is spanked as well. After a few such instances, on both ends, it just becomes natural that when either, or both, of the girls need to be spanked that either mom take care of the problem, no longer needing to make a phone call.
Such a relationship also breaks down the privacy issues with a spanking. If a friend hanging at the
house and the daughter is in trouble, the mom no longer needs to send the friend home, or spank her daughter in private. They have been in trouble enough times together that when a mom needs to spank her daughter, the friend just stays and watches. It certainly adds to the level of discomfort as the teen girl is required to bare her bottom and take a hard strapping in front of her friend.
Over the years, with these two naughty teens constantly in trouble and requiring discipline, it just becomes the way things are. They both know that regardless of whose house they are in, that whenever the occasion calls for it, their bottoms can be bared and spanked at any time. Each mom might have her own method for corporal punishment, but they both get the job done. They have probably discussed how they spank with one another and compared notes a bit. But they are both strict mothers that firmly believe in corporal punishment, regardless of the age of their daughters. They both feel that as long as the girls live at home that they are not beyond getting their bottoms spanked.
Both moms also treat each girl just as she was her own daughter. There is no going easy on the
friend just because she is not actually family. There are no concessions made for her spanking that are any different than how her daughter gets it. Modesty also goes right out the window as both moms have been spanking both bare bottoms for so long, having them bare their teen butts is never an issue. If the girls need to be spanked, it is done on the spot, on their bare bottoms, and in full view of anyone present.
Being older teen girls who grew up with corporal punishment on a regular basis, it also needs to be administered in a fairly severe manner. Both moms have learned that the days of handspankings are over. Both girls, regardless of which mom is doing the spanking, no they will be baring their teen butts and bending over for a long and very hard session with a belt, paddle, wooden spoon, or when they really act up…the hairbrush. They know when they are in for it that it is going to be a long and painful process. They know they will both get it equally as hard, they know they will cry, and they know their butts will be blistered and bruised for many days to come. They are naughty teen girls and they require hard corporal punishment on their bare bottoms on a very regular basis.
The previous scenes come from hard and realistic corporal punishment videos from the various member’s areas included with the Realspankingspass.com
Tags: bare bottom, Belt, bruised bottom, corporal punishment, hairbrush, mom, spanking, strap, Teen, witnessed