
The Study of Corporal Punishment and Spanking for Discipline

A severe whoopin for being out after curfew

It is not something that died in the 50’s, it is not a myth, for better than half of the US, corporal punishment is a very regular part of discipline in home and happens on a very frequent basis.  In many homes regular spanking stop around the age of puberty, but for some parents, they see no reason to stop then.  What typically happens in a household in which a child is spanked well into their teens years is that they are often allowed a little more modesty and the bare bottom spankings stop.  To counter this, strict parents will often find a more suitable implement to apply over clothing.  For the majority of the older teen girls out there that are still spanked into their high school years, this involves a heavy leather belt.

The belt is still quite effective at teaching a lesson, even over jeans and panties.  It might take a little longer to get the desired results over clothing, but most parents are committed to getting the job done right.  It is easy to get caught up with all the fantasy spankings that are presented on the Internet, but this is just not reality for most teen girls who are spanked by their parents.  There is no nudity, rarely any actual corner time, or strange and unusual positions.  It is typically an angry parent, a short lecture, a girl told to bend over, and a whoopin is applied to her bottom that she will remember for quite some time.

I now invite you to be a fly on the wall for what is a very realistic strapping of an older teen girl.  She is 18 years old, a couple months from graduating from high school, and as a result is beginning to enjoy some additional freedoms, specifically how late she can stay out on the weekends.  Curfew was raised to midnight on the weekends shortly after she turned 18.  She very much enjoys this flexibility and the ability to hang with some friends and go to some parties she would never have been able to attend when she had to be home much earlier.  As teen girls are, her strict curfew of midnight began to be pushed a little here and there.  Her parents were allowing the 5-10 minute late issues, until that one night that she pushed it way too far.  At 1:10 AM, she quietly unlocked the front door, and tried to sneak into the dark house hoping everyone was already in bed.  Both her parents were in the living room and she knew right away that this was not going to be good.  Mom said that she was glad her daughter was safe, then told her husband to wear her ass out, and went to bed.

teen girl strapping whoopin from dad real

Nervously waiting as dad goes to get the belt for her whoopin.

Once a sentence was handed down by mom, she knew from experience that there was no changing it.  She had a seat on the chair and waited nervously while her dad went to get the dreaded belt.  The belt that he always used was a big and over-sized Western belt that she had never once seen worn.  As far as she knew it had been purchased for the exclusive purpose of wearing her bottom out.  It had been 4-5 months since her last whoopin, as she tended to walk the straight and narrow for quite some time after a proper whoopin.  He walked back in the room, told her to stand up, walk to the middle of the room, and bend over.  She knew far too well that arguing or bargaining only made things worse.  She reluctantly did as she was told, walked to the middle of the room, and bent over, presenting her bottom for the belt.

teen girl strapping from dad real video

Even at 18 there is nothing she can do. She is about to get a whoopin from dad.

Dad wasted no time and got right to work correcting her behavior.  He raised the belt high in the air and brought it down full force on her bottom.  Without any pause the belt was raised again giving her a second stroke.  His pace was about as fast as he could accurately swing, while still providing the severity required to teach her a lesson.

teen girl belt spanked by dad to tears

Bent over and waiting for the first stroke of the heavy belt. This strapping will not end until the tears are flowing hard.

He never had a set number for any of the whoopins she received.  He basically just continued until he achieved the desired results…which were tears.  There were certainly different levels when it came to her whoopins, but both parents felt that tears were a requirement.  Some whoopins would go on well after the tears started to flow, and some stopped shortly after.  She was long past trying to be tough and not give them the satisfaction of tears as she knew it would not end until she was really crying.

teen girl dad's belt

Even at the beginning, keeping still while she gets her bottom worn out with dad’s belt, is quite difficult for her.

She knew from her mom’s remarks that she was really in for it.  “She needs the belt” typically meant give her a decent spanking until the tears begin to flow.  “Wear her ass out” generally meant exactly that, and that she was in for a bruised bottom.  It was clear from dad’s pace and the severity that this was going to be a rough one.

daughter getting a whoopin from dad

He is just getting started, this whoopin goes on for close to three minutes.

She managed to hold still for the first 20 or so strokes, but it became much more difficult after that.  He tended to work her entire bottom and was not shy at all about including the very tops of her thighs.  As her thighs continued to be worked with the belt, she found it hard to stay in position.  Moving way out of position never went well for her, so she managed to find a balance of the physical struggle she was enduring, and not moving her bottom too far out of the way.  He generally seemed to tolerate this as long as the target stayed in relatively the same place.

She struggles to stay in position but knows it will worse if she moves.

About the time that the physical struggle to stay in position began, so did the tears.  Sometimes the crying would slow him down a little with the belt, but not tonight.  He continued to swing at the exact same pace as it became even more difficult for her to hold her position.  He continued to wear her bottom out as the tears turned into full on uncontrollable sobbing.  He was going to make sure that they never dealt with this issue ever again and her bottom was paying the price for it.

dad whoops daughter

When her bottom is properly worn out the whoopin finally stops.

The entire strapping lasted just under 3 minutes and when he stopped they were both out of breath.  He told her to get home before curfew next time and then told her goodnight and went to bed.  With her bottom pulsating and throbbing with every beat of her heart, she sat back down on the chair and let it all out.  The crying continued for a good few minutes.  With a very sore bottom and a new dedication to her curfew, she went to bed.

The tears continue long after her strapping is over.

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Posted in Corporal Punishment Pictures and Corporal Punishment with a Belt and Spanked by Mom by admin on October 9th, 2017 at 12:51 pm.

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